Al-37fu and Al-31fm(al-35f) what’s the truth?


ACCESS: Top Secret
22 May 2020
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Hello! I think I know the answer to this but I was curious if anyone here knew the answer. You often see references to these two engines in 90s publications. On is AL-37fu which is supposedly an updated thrust vectoring engine for the Su-37. Supposedly here is a picture and a description of its design

It allegedly uses technology from the AL-41f (much like the later Al-41f1). This seemingly goes against naming conventions and yet this is the alleged engine.

Next is AL-31fm (al-35f) alleged similar engine to the AL-31fm1 a decade later. Meant for SU-32, SU-27m, Su-30. I’ve seen nothing on this engine, but older publications refer to it as if it existed.

What’s the deal? We’re these paper projects, prototypes? Are the related to later AL-31f upgrade programs?
Next is AL-31fm (al-35f) alleged similar engine to the AL-31fm1 a decade later. Meant for SU-32, SU-27m, Su-30. I’ve seen nothing on this engine, but older publications refer to it as if it existed.
What’s the deal? We’re these paper projects, prototypes? Are the related to later AL-31f upgrade programs?
AL-31FM1 is already in service along with 1 squadron of Su-27SM, all Su-27SM3, all Su-34 (received it later) and possible Su-30M2
It produces 132kN of AB thrust, its 6% wider, provides more air to be consumted and is more fuel efficient compared to AL-31F

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