Akaflieg Stuttgart Aircraft Designations


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25 July 2007
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Akaflieg Stuttgart e.V. (Akademische Fliegergruppe - Universität Stuttgart)

Akaflieg Stuttgart traces its origins to a model aircraft club - the Ortsgruppe Stuttgart des deutschen Flugmodellbundes - started by Paul Brenner. In 1917-1918, that group became the Württembergische Gleitflugvereinigung (Württembergian Gliding Association), then Ortsgruppe Stuttgart des Deutschen Fliegerbundes (Stuttgart chapter of the German Flying Group), and finally, in 1919, the Flugtechnische Verein Stuttgart (Flight Engineering Association of Stuttgart).

Flugtechnische Verein Stuttgart (FVS)

The FVS built two gliders that are often attributed to the Akaflieg Stuttgart (although this organization would not exist for several more years). These gliders were:

FVS 4 - 1921 monoplane school glider
- FVS 4: Designed by Paul Brenner, head of FVS
-- aka Stuttgart I, aka 'Akaflieg Stuttgart I'
-- http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/FT/FT1921/09/603-3.jpg
-- http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-machines/planeur-fiche_0int.php?code=2946

FVS 5 - 1922 monoplane glider, span 11.60 m
- FVS 5: Very probably the same as FVS Fox (below)
-- Designed by Paul Brenner, Martin Schrenk, (?) Diemer
-- FVS 5 built by Flugtechnischer Verein Dresden (FVD)

FVS 'Fox'* - 1922 monoplane school glider
- FVS 'Fox': Designed by Brenner & Martin Schrenk
-- aka Stuttgart II, aka 'Akaflieg Stuttgart II'
-- * No FVS numerical designation known for 'Fox'
-- http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/FT/FT1923/01/53-1.jpg

By 1923, Brenner and Schrenk had both left the FVS. In 1926, a student wing of the Flugtechnische Verein Stuttgart - the Akademische Fliegergruppe im FVS - was formed at Universität Stuttgart. That group became known as the Akaflieg Stuttgart e.V. (Academic Flying Group of the University of Stuttgrat) - e.V being for eingetragener Verein or registered association.

Having built gliders designed by others and gathered together a fleet of tow aircraft, the students of Akaflieg Stuttgart began their first original glider design in 1926. Most Akaflieg Stuttgart activities came to an end in 1944 when its shed and equipment were destroyed by Allied bombing. In any case, at the end of WW2, all German flying activities were prohibited and the club was disbanded. Akaflieg Stuttgart was reformed in 1949-1950 and remains active to this day.

Three different designation systems would be employed by Akaflieg Stuttgart. These are described below. Popular names are also routinely applied. In recent years, Spanish names have been used - I have no idea of why :eek:


Akaflieg Stuttgart Aircraft Designation Systems

The first original Akaflieg Stuttgart designs were for two leichtwindsegler or leichtsegler (light gliders) which were designated LS 1 'Roter Rand' and LS 2. Akaflieg Stuttgart had built two similar light gliders earlier - the 'Roter Teufel' and 'Roter Kuckuck', both in 1924 - but these light gliders didn't receive 'LS' designations.

A different (and, as it turns out, unique) designation style was applied to the 1932 glider, 'D-Fledermaus'. The Fledermaus received an 'F' designation for its designer Willi (or Willy) Fiedler. Some sources (including Akaflieg Stuttgart itself sometimes) use 'F.1' with a period but I've stuck with the more typically German 'F 1'.

There is no sign of any Akaflieg Stuttgart design designation numbers between '3' and '15'. This seems to have been the result of an attempt to rationalize the designation system. By 1935, Akaflieg Stuttgart had bought or assembled 15 gliders - most not designed by Akaflieg Stuttgart. [1] For completeness, that list is: FVS 4 (1921), 'Fox' (1922), 'Schwaben' (1923-1924), 'Roter Teufel' (1924), 'Roter Kuckuck' (1924), 'Bremen' (1925), LS 1 'Roter Rand' (1926), 'Heiterer Fridolin' (1926), 'Götz von Berlichingen' (1927) 'Stadt Stuttgart" (1928), LS 2 (1928), 'Württemberg' (1929), F 1 'D-Fledermaus' (1932), Grunau Baby II (1933), and 'Sperber' (1935).

With the sixteenth glider type ('Wippsterz' or 'Wagtail') the designation style was changed to FS for Flugtechnische 'Fachgruppe Stuttgart' (Flight Technical Section Stuttgart). Unusually for a German designation style, a hyphen was placed between FS and type number.

The 'FS' style has been retained to the present day. In later years, Akaflieg Stuttgart abandoned the hyphen. Designation styles are now shown as 'FS xx' or 'FSxx'. For a degree of continuity, I have stayed with the hyphenated designation style.


[1] Of these, 'Roter Teufel' and 'Sperber' were purchases. To confuse matters even further, a Göppingen Gö 3 Minimoa bought in 1937 doesn't seem to feature at all in the Akaflieg Stuttgart designation sequence.
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Akaflieg Stuttgart Aircraft Designations

'LS' for 'Leichtwindseglers'/'Leichtsegler' Designations

LS 1 - 1926 'Roter Rand' training glider, span 14 m
- LS 2: Covered fuselage, strut-braced high wings
-- 'Roter Rand' = 'Red Edge'

LS 2 - 1928 primary training glider, span 13 m
- LS 2: Covered fuselage, kingpost wing bracing
-- LS 2 was derived from LS 1 const. techniques
-- LS 2 design supervised by E Bachem & A Protzen

'F' for 'Fiedler' Designation

F 1 Fledermaus - 1933, wingtip endplate control, span 16.6 m
- F.1 : Tailfin installed for 1933 Rhön Competition
-- F 1 designed primarily by Willi (or Willy) Fiedler
-- F 1 Fledermaus registered as 'D-Fledermaus', aka Fiedler 1
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/f1-Fledermaus-421x304.jpg
-- http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-machines/planeur-fiche_0int.php?code=1691

'FS' for 'Fachgruppe Stuttgart' Designations

FS-16 Wippsterz - 1937 high-wing glider (sim to F.1), span 16 m
- FS-16: (As built) No fixed tail, endplate control surfaces
- FS-16: (Modified) Longer fuse., fixed tail, conv. ailerons
-- FS-16 (D-16-921) design by Hans-Friedrich Rieckert
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/fs16-404x304.jpg
-- http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-machines/planeur-fiche_0int.php?code=149

FS-17 - 1938 experimental prone-pilot low-wing glider
- FS-17: Wooden construction, emph. on low speed
-- Photo: http://www.luftarchiv.de/segel/fs172.jpg
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/fs17-426x280.jpg

FS-18 - 1938 single-seat high-perf. sailplane, span 18 m
- FS-18 : Slightly gulled, cantilever wings
- FS-18b: [Project] enlarged flaps, becomes FS-19
-- Const. begun March 1941, abandoned after Dec 1942

FS-19 - [Project] Re-named FS-18b, const, incomplete
- FS-19: As per FS-18b, elevators fold for transport
-- NB: FS-19 and FS-18b desig. used interchangably
-- http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,25997.msg265174.html#msg265174

FS-20 - [Project] Spring 1939, powered FS-17 devel.
- FS-20: 2 x 105 hp Hirth HM 504 air-cooled 4-cyl
-- FS-20 designed by Theo Knacke and Kuno Bältz
-- FS-20 drawings tranf. to Berliner Fachgruppe

FS-21 - [Project] 1952 completion of revised FS-19
- FS-21: Incorp. new aerodynamic knowledge to FS-19
-- Too much damage to partly-complete FS-19 airframe

FS-22 - [Project] 2-seat glider, trapzoidal wing, span 18 m
- FS-22: Herbert Plasa design, leads to single-seat FS-23
-- FS-22 under construction 1951-1952, not completed

FS-23 Hidalgo - 1966 single-seat v-tail sailplane, D-8011
- FS-23: Constr.* begun 1953, completed 1966, span 13 m
-- * Constr. primarily balsa core sandwiched in fibreglass
-- Hidalgo = Nobleman or Gentleman (in Spanish)
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/fs23-413x301.jpg
-- http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-machines/planeurs-docs_0int.php?n=154

FS-24 Phönix - 1957 single-seat midwing sailplane, D-8258
- FS-24: Built 1953-1957, design by R Eppler & H Nägele
-- FS-24 was first glider with fibreglass construction
- FS-24 Phönix T: Prod. vers., T-tail, retract. u/c
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/fs24-412x301.jpg
-- http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-machines/planeur-fiche_0int.php?code=1440

FS-25 Cuervo - 1968 single-seat research glider, span 15 m
- FS-25: Constr. between 1966 and 1967, x 1, D-8141
-- Cuervo = Raven (in Spanish)
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/fs25_Boden-572x362.jpg
-- http://www.j2mcl-planeurs.net/dbj2mcl/planeurs-machines/planeur-fiche_0int.php?code=1441
- ENSMA FS-25F: Devel., retr. u/c, improved canopy
-- FS-25F built by ENSMA* students between 1974 and 1981
-- * Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et D'Aérotechnique
- ENSMA Cuervo 2: [Project] 2013 2-seat FS-25F derivative
-- http://planeur.ensma.fr/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/rendusurfacique.png

FS-26 Moseppl - Exper. flying wing* motorglider, span 12.6 m
- FS-26: Built between 1969 and 1970, x 1 (D-KFFS)
-- 1 x 26 hp Hirth F-102A2 Solo 4-cyl 2-stroke pusher
-- * Actually very short twin-boom with high tail

FS-27 - [Project] Shrouded-propeller FS-25 Cuervo devel.
- FS-27: Was to have propeller shrouded in fuselage

FS-28 Avispa - 1972 pod-and-boom pusher a/c, span 9.4 m
- FS 28: Powered by 1 x 180 hp Lycoming IO-360 B1F*
-- FS 28 built between 1970 and 1972, D-EAFS
-- FS 28 was a Stuttgart/Wolf Hirth joint project
-- * JAWA 1974-75 says 115 hp Lycoming O-235-E2A
-- Avispa = Wasp (in Spanish)
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/fs28-800x561.jpg

FS-29 - 1975 variable-geometry research glider, x 1
- FS-29: Wings telescoped from 13.3 m to 19 m
-- aka FS-29 TF (Teleskop Flügel or Telescoping a/c)
- FS-29: Built between 1972 and 1975

FS-30 - Not an aircraft designation*
-- * Segelfluggelände Bartholomä workshop building

FS-31 Ferdinand Porsche - 1981 tandem-seat training glider, x 1
- FS-31: High-performance, tandem-seat sailplane
-- FS-31 const. partly carbon-Kevlar fabric to reduce weight
-- Fuselage mould re-used for Alexander Schleicher ASH 25

FS-32 Aguila - 1992 variable-geometry* research glider, x 1
- Constructed between 1985 and 1991, wing/flap span 15 m
-- * Full-span Fowler flaps used to change wing geometry
-- Aguila = Eagle, Schempp-Hirth Ventus b fuselage used
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/projekte/die-flugzeuge/uebersicht-3/fs32/

FS-33 Gavilàn - 1998 2-seat high-perf. sailplane, span 20 m
- FS-33: FS-31 fuselage, Schempp-Hirth Nimbus T-tail
-- Gavilán = Sparrowhawk (in Spanish), built 1992-1998
-- http://www.volaravela.com.ar/fs33-2.jpg
-- 3v: http://www.volaravela.com.ar/fs33-3v.jpg

FS-34 Albatros - [Project] variable-geometry racer
- FS-34: Planned with retr. flaps to improve glide
-- Group dispersed, FS-34 project abandoned in 2002
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/projekte/die-flugzeuge/fs34-albatros/

FS-35 - [Project] lightweight powered a/c, span 17.67 m
- FS-35: 2-seat low-wing monoplane, fixed u/c, T-tail
-- Planned powerplant HO4 up to 180 hp, 3-bladed prop
-- GRP constr., fuselage and wings largely completed
-- http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/akaflieg/projekte/die-flugzeuge/fs35-das-aktuelle-projekt/

Amazing work as usual my dear Apophenia.
Very interesting ... thanks hesham. The date and participation at Rhön strongly suggest that your FVS 5 and the Fox were one and the same glider! Both designs are credited to Paul Brenner and Martin Schrenk. 1926-1976: 50 Jahre Akaflieg Stuttgart (page 10/pdf page 11) lists "und Diemer". (Anyone know who this Herr Diemer was?)

The mention of the Flugtechnischer Verien (sic) Dresden is also interesting. The FVD Stehaufchen was also at Rhön in 1922. In 1924, the Flugtechnischer Verein Dresden was renamed as Akaflieg Dresden and the Stehaufchen redesignated as DB1 (or, sometimes, given as D-B1) for Dresdner Baumuster. It seems that no 'DB' designation was ever applied to the FVS 5.

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