Aircraft of the sixth generation


ACCESS: Restricted
25 August 2019
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Tell me the program to create aircraft of the sixth generation (along with the characteristics, if any)
Hi Ditka,

I don't want to be rude but the least you can do, before posting any question like that, is to do your homework. Which you haven't done, obviously.
Please note that this forum has a search function. Sometimes, it is useful.
So please: search, explore, write a synthesis of your findings - no matter what your skills in english are, even in Russian which I am sure you can (google)translate — and then share your findings with us, because you are welcome to do so on the forum, as you already dod in some of your previous posts

Best regards from planet Earth



  • screencapture-secretprojects-co-uk-search-24360-2019-09-12-10_31_13.png
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Good morning. The program is divided among two services - the Air Force and Navy. In the FY20 US AIr Force RDT&E budget documentation, the program is titled Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD). It is a >$1B/year program. I cannot find a direct navy corollary to the Air Force program. However, the Navy has been investigating what comes after the F -18 longer than the AIr Force has been looking for an F-22/F-15 replacement.

Overall, the 6th generation fighter programs are highly classified. After all, a lot of the F-35 design details were compromised. As such, there are several programs in addition to NGAD which contribute to a 6th generation fighter program. An example in budget documents is Advanced Vehicle technologies. We also know that both GE an Pratt have funding for advanced engines.

There are no open source characteristics of a 6th generation fighter. That’s because of the program classification and because neither service has defined what they want. What characteristics you read about are speculation. For example, even if the services decides they want a fighter sized aircraft for air to air missions, it has not been determined if the fighter is manned or unmanned. You can see that would make a substantial impact on the vehicle characteristics.

I hope this helps

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