Aircraft manufacturers in Brittany 1909-1010


ACCESS: Confidential
28 January 2012
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(Constructeurs aéronautiques en Bretagne 1909-1910)

From the book "Les Bretons et l'Aéronautique, des origines à 1939" :

Constructeurs aéronautiques en Bretagne 1909-1910.jpg

3 flew ("Essais en vol") : Hervé, Vasserot and Groos, others are project with unsuccess test ("Essais").

About the Gross Alfred Gross was officer in Vannes. He uses at first a project od airport near Vannes, distinct of the existing Vannes -Meucon airport. This project of airport used a spot named Pen en Toul,at Golfe du Morbihan seaside which was succesively:
  • marsh (marais)
  • salt pan (marais salant
  • airport
  • marsh again, with now status of ecological reserve, for migratory birds
More data about Gross at

The same book begins with a list of balloons in Britany, starting in 1783. I do not know if balloons are a subject of topic for this forum. People intereste may search in my website, with the pre-parameted list "Glorieux ancêtres ( avant la guerre de 1914)".
Re: Aircraft manufacters in Britany 1909-1010

Just being that unbearable former teacher again: the French "Bretagne" translates as "Brittany" with TWO "tees"... ;)
Thank you for pointing this site !

Richard , from Quimper , in the far Brittany .

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