Aircraft Design Cartoons


ACCESS: Restricted
3 February 2009
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I remember seeing a few cartoons about aircraft I think from Warton with a 'guided missiles' paper airplane flying from one door to another.

Can't find them right now...anybody got them?
I suspect a lot of projects will have them. There were some for Eurofighter FCS that portrayed the Rochester team rep at a multinational team meeting with a vulture on their shoulder that gradually ate all of the other attendees (which is roughly what happened in actuality, Rochester absorbing all the other teams bar the Ottobrunn requirements team, and staffing half of that).
I suspect a lot of projects will have them. There were some for Eurofighter FCS that portrayed the Rochester team rep at a multinational team meeting with a vulture on their shoulder that gradually ate all of the other attendees (which is roughly what happened in actuality, Rochester absorbing all the other teams bar the Ottobrunn requirements team, and staffing half of that).

I haven't seen that one before. Couldn't get away with that today!

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