Air-Metal Flugzeugbau und Entwicklungs GmbH


Fight for yor Right!
14 January 2007
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The Air-Metal Flugzeug und Entwicklungs GmbH has worked in Erding since 1964 as an aircraft repair yard for touring aircraft and service work. In addition to this main activity, several projects were created. Bankruptcy proceedings in 1977 meant the end of the small business.
The projects are: AM-Z.102, AM-Z.202T, AM-B.111, AM-C.111 and AM.112.

the best known project is the AM-C.111


  • Air Metal AM-C-111-.jpg
    Air Metal AM-C-111-.jpg
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AM C-11 looks like the successful, contemporary LET 210 and 410.

While the four-engined, MAZ-202T concept looks more like an overly-complicated Shorts Skyvan clone. Shorts just installed a flat fuselage roof aft of the wing. Definitely need double rudders to clear all the turbulence generated by that boxy fuselage.

Did I mention that the Pink Skyvan (Austrian registry) is my all-time favourite jump-plane?
AM-Z.202T - a very interesting layout for the undercarriage.
"SECRET PROJECTS" is a very useful source : here , some informations about the Myasishchev MM-1 (M-112) ; M-113 , and quite different M-111/MM1 ; M-112/RBKA and M-113 ... :)( I gave up understanding of parentage)
Die Air-Metal Flugzeug und Entwicklungs GmbH war seit 1964 in Erding als Flugzeugreparaturwerkstatt für Reiseflugzeuge und Servicearbeiten tätig. Neben dieser Haupttätigkeit entstanden mehrere Projekte. Ein Insolvenzverfahren im Jahr 1977 bedeutete das Ende des kleinen Unternehmens.
Die Projekte sind: AM-Z.102, AM-Z.202T, AM-B.111, AM-C.111 und AM.112.

Das bekannteste Projekt ist der AM-C.111
Hat jemand Interesse an Fotos vom Bau der AMC111? Mein Vater hat daran mitgebaut und ich habe alte Bilder.
Gruß Marion

(Is someone interested in photos of the construction of the AMC111 ? My father participated in it and I have old photos
Regards Marion)
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