Air launched ICBM (Minuteman)

I never understood the idea of air launching BMs. It's kinda like putting a hat on a hat.
Some times the madness of Cold War is logical

The SAC was worry that ground based silo ICBM could be victims of Soviet sneak Nuclear Attack.
Unable to perform the act of mutual assured destruction (MAD)
So they study several solutions, one of them were Airborne ICBM launch system !
Mobil in air they were unable to be hit theoretical and in case of attack launch their ICBM to target.

later came low cost proposal to use large aircraft as Cruise missile dispenser

but high cost of Airfleet of flying ICBM silos and Cruise missile dispenser, displeased Capitol Hill.
also safety records of USAF aircraft crash play a role in case.
imagine a ICBM carrier plane crash after liftoff near it base...

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