After Tunisia uprising, Belgium Next ?

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Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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while in Tunisia, the people kicked there Government out the country

has Belgium since 227 days after elections,
Still no National Government, the coalition talks number 75 failed...
and Belgium is on way to break World record without Government

but on 23 January is a big demonstration in Capital Brussels
let see if we gonna have a uprising...
Michel Van said:
let see if we gonna have a uprising...

I sincerely hope not. Besides, a country that could be torn apart by such uncivilized behavior would not really be worthy to host the European Union headquarters any longer... :-[
Stargazer2006 said:
I sincerely hope not. Besides, a country that could be torn apart by such uncivilized behavior would not really be worthy to host the European Union headquarters any longer... :-[

What EU nation *hasn't* seen such "uncivilized behavior" (or worse) within living memory??

There is another option for EU headquarters:
Orionblamblam said:
What EU nation *hasn't* seen such "uncivilized behavior" (or worse) within living memory??

Very few, I agree...
As someone who has lived in Tunisia and spent time in Belgium, I find the comparison frankly offensive.

Tunisia has become the first Arab nation in history to kick out an autocratic ruler in a popular uprising and demand a move to real democracy. Last time I checked, Belgium is a constitutional monarchy in which democratic principles apply. If the majority of the people don't like their government, then they can vote the bums out. Not so, ever, in the history of Tunisia or that of many, many other nations around the world.

All of us who can participate in democracy should count our blessings and plan a vacation trip to Tunisia's lovely beaches and historic sites as soon as the craziness dies down. They deserve our support.
I second that, with all due respect Michel your suggestion is a bit silly.

Belgium is a democracy, there is no need for an uprising.

If complete idiots, psychos and retards are running the country, Belgians have only themselves to blame and they can fix that during future elections. If they care, that is.

--Luc (who used to be Belgian in a prior life and was in Tunisia just a year ago)
A lot of Belgians here :)

Belgium a democracy? On paper perhaps, in reality it looks like to many things are decided by too few people...
That we have a monarchy doesn't seem to improve democracy either...
Isn't in a contractio in terminis? A democracy ruled by a monarch? While the King hasn't have any official powers, which are laid down in law; his influence is enormous.
So is his preference for the Wallons. That the Flemish want to cut Belgium in half doesn't help their cause either. because then he is out of a job.
I think that "they" want a government without the biggest Flesmish party( the NVA) something the Biggest Wallon party (the PS, the last commies in Europe) have suggested. Who are 'they'? Top bureaucrats who are supporters of the King (and of their own Federal job ofcourse) The federal government is still a big source of jobs..

An uprising? Belgians are too tame for it, we only did uprise once after a play.. True story :) I don't think anything will happen, Belgium is a country for old men.

Mole said:
As someone who has lived in Tunisia and spent time in Belgium, I find the comparison frankly offensive.

Tunisia has become the first Arab nation in history to kick out an autocratic ruler in a popular uprising and demand a move to real democracy. Last time I checked, Belgium is a constitutional monarchy in which democratic principles apply. If the majority of the people don't like their government, then they can vote the bums out. Not so, ever, in the history of Tunisia or that of many, many other nations around the world.

All of us who can participate in democracy should count our blessings and plan a vacation trip to Tunisia's lovely beaches and historic sites as soon as the craziness dies down. They deserve our support.

sorry for Offensive Mole :-[
on Belgium, as democratic a constitutional monarchy. that only on Paper and Wikipedia fairytale
the real Belgium is insane, kafkaesk, too much regulation, plutocracy.
were wealthy and powerful corrupt politician, who controll the country NOT the parliament or Senat
best example wat happen to OLD Socialist party (Flemish, Wallon, German in one party) in 1991 to 1995

1991 union Socialist boss André H.P. Cools was kill by Tunisia hitmen !
the police try investigating the assassination, but got constrained by Socialist party !
via Party member work as officials in ministry of justice
1993 the police get last chance and Bingo, they discover the bigges corruption scandal Belgiums
Agusta scandal
the whole executive of Socialist party was trial and sentenced
the old Socialist party implode in three parts

the Wallon Socialist party Presidents became Elio Di Rupo
but he was victim of diabolical conspiracy by opposition leader
and accused of having had sex with minors (in middle of affaire Dutroux )
Di Rupo made his comming out: "yes i'm homosexual"
then the belgian justice show the accusations were false.
wat put an end to opposition leader political career...
Di Rupo still is the Socialist party Presidents

i can go on and on
about corrupt mayor of a irrelevant wallon town
who burnd up 380000 Euros for holiday trips to france
from Town budget, until she was caught during Holiday
She gave a international press conference, announcement of one's intention to resign
Assuming stuff you've written is correct, why do people keep voting the corrupts? Also, couldn't some party (a new one) run in an election with a campaign to remove monarchy or diminish its power?

In many older monarchies, kings were voted.
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