
Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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Hi! AERO INDIA 2009 in February 11 to 15.

There was a dislay of Indian 5Th generation fighter concept model developping with Sukhoi.
In press conference, Sukhoi said this fighter will made maiden flight this year.
Japanese KOKU-FAN (May 2009) has the picture of this model.
My impression is (F-22+F-35)/2.
The shape of vertical tail stabilizers are similar to F-35's.
The shape of air intake and wing are similar to ucon's post, but the wing tip is not clipped.
Distance between two engines are very small, not separate.
Any one has the picture of this model?
blackkite said:
Hi! AERO INDIA 2009 in February 11 to 15.

There was a dislay of Indian 5Th generation fighter concept model developping with Sukhoi.
In press conference, Sukhoi said this fighter will made maiden flight this year.
Japanese KOKU-FAN (May 2009) has the picture of this model.
My impression is (F-22+F-35)/2.
The shape of vertical tail stabilizers are similar to F-35's.
The shape of air intake and wing are similar to ucon's post, but the wing tip is not clipped.
Distance between two engines are very small, not separate.
Any one has the picture of this model?

These are different aircraft programmes ... the one with Sukhoi, which is supposed to fly this year is the PAK-FA (the Indian version will fly much later). The model on show was the MCA ... a follow on of the LCA under development from HAL and ADA.

See here:,6239.0/highlight,india+mca.html

and since this thread has been opened anyway..

adding this link.
Oh sorry. India has some projects for 5Th generation fighter!
I confused MCA with PAK-FA.
Also I forgot avatar's post.
Anyway thank you very much for nice model pictures.
A little humour for this old thread: the best part of Aero India 2009 had to be this advert from Rafael:

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