Admiral Lutjens


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14 June 2020
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Was Admiral Lutjens the right man for the job aboard Bismarck? For convoy hunting yes
for combat no. This my thoughts please share yours.
Was Admiral Lutjens the right man for the job aboard Bismarck? For convoy hunting yes
for combat no. This my thoughts please share yours.
On such pointless mission, essentially it mattered none who was the commander. Battleship, operating as raider, without even minimal escort, was basically doomed from the very beginning. Especially considering that "Bismark" wasn't even designed as raider; her design was a pretty standard "North Sea brawler", planned to be used against French Navy.
Thank you for moving my post was not sure where to put it. I agree on the mission. but he didn't help his situation with the mistakes he made. Some that made the job of sinking him that much easier.
More of a job for the 'Pocket' ships and even they were high risk and we know what happened there. Essentially, the raide3r role was best with the Kormarant etc. Lutjens was simply the man on the spot when the job was handed out. Sadly, we will never know what he really thought of the task given to him.
The proper place for him would have been a rest home, with Bismark's steel in U-Boats and/or panzers
Nismarck, Tirpitz and Scharnhorst tied up a lot of assets and effort both in keeping track of where they were and preparing covering forces should they sorte. More than might have been achieved elsewhere possibly.
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The fear of losing them and the fact that the Scharnhorst twins could not take on
a true battleship hampered their use.
They still tied up assets watching them and waiting for an appearance. It is what got Scharnhorst in the end. 72 16 N, 28 41 E.
Even the U.S committed resources to tracking them down with the hopes of destroying them.
With the freed up money and materials not to mention workers, how many more subs
could have been built if Bismarck and Tirpitz had never been started.

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