
Foo Fighter

Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo.
Senior Member
19 July 2016
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No idea what this means but over the last few months, fast jet overflights have massivley increased, Typhoom F-35 and F-16 mostly but a few I could not ID witht he number one mark one.

More than thirty overflights this morning alone, Gloucester area.

Usually about 1500 to 2000' average.
Still ongoing pretty much constant ATM.
Fairford IS just up the road but I have not seen this level of movement before, just in the last hour or so there have been heavy transport movements too which would be consistent with slowly winding down after the airshow. Again, more so than prior years. Most of the overflights have been echelons of four in close formation with the occasional pair or singleton.
No idea what this means but over the last few months, fast jet overflights have massivley increased, Typhoom F-35 and F-16 mostly
In a typical mid-80's war movie all this activity would inevitably leads to a Third World War with a full nuclear exchange spinoff....
What do you think Scott @Orionblamblam?
Personally, I see two important things happening.

1. There has been a serious overspend in avgas, any left over by Turkey day will mean severe cuts to the mess budget, or...

2. Someone really likes the idea of being able to send aircraft up whenever the mood takes them and in a sudden bums rush, actually did it.

Much quieter over the last thirty minutes or so.

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