Abandoned Military Airbase: Johnston Atoll


Multiuniversal creator
13 February 2006
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I was searching for something else but found this. Interesting place.



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Yes, the Johnston Atoll housed a chemical weapons depot and the site of the Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (JACADS). All of the chemical weapons that were once stored on Johnston Island have been incinerated, and that process was completed in 2000 and JACADS demolished by 2003. The base was closed and the airport deactivated on June 15, 2004.

Some people think, that abandoned bases like the one on the Johnston Atoll and also the Michael Army Airfield (MAAF) at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah are the new "Area 51" / Dreamland", where new secret aircrafts like the "Aurora" are/ have been tested.
Well, Johnston is far more isolated than Nevada... ;D

I wonder though, what residues have been left?
rickshaw said:
Well, Johnston is far more isolated than Nevada... ;D

I wonder though, what residues have been left?

in 1962 they launch Thor's with nuclear warheads in sky for "Operation Dominic"
one explode on launch pad on Johnston Atoll and scattered plutonium debris over the island.
that was collect (so far possible) the debris and soils were placed in a 25 acre landfill
next to that were stored on atoll: Agent Orange, PCBs, PAHs, dioxins from Vietnam war

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