AASM Hammer range of bombs

Forest Green

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
11 June 2019
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The EDR Magazine also mentions that Safran is working on developing a new propulsion system that will significantly increase the bomb's range. Currently, the Hammer's range is between 50 and 70 km, with the maximum range achieved when launched from an altitude of about 15 thousand meters. It is expected that thanks to new developments, the flight range will increase to 150–200 km, which means an increase of two to three times compared to existing parameters.
Defense Updates has just uploaded a video about the AASM Hammer:

Ukrainian Air Force is now using HAMMER to target Russian assets.
An image surfaced on social media depicting a MiG-29 aircraft equipped with a lone 250-kilogram AASM 250 Hammer, secured on the inner pylon beneath the port wing. Notably, the aircraft featured blue and yellow markings strategically designed to mitigate the risk of 'friendly fire.'
It is evident that the French-supplied precision-guided bomb has been successfully integrated with the Ukrainian MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter jets.
France started supplying the Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM), commonly known as HAMMER (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range)As per reports, about 50 of these are being provided each month, starting in January.
Viewers may note that French President Emmanuel Macron announced on January 16 that France would send AASM bombs to Ukraine as part of a wider support package that also included additional MBDA SCALP EG cruise missiles.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes how French HAMMER could help Ukraine ?
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Yup, this is especially effective with GPS-guided munitions against fixed, pre-briefed targets, it reduces the range penalty for very low altitude launch while minimizing exposure to air defences. Without guidance, toss-bombing is wildly inaccurate (it was the go-to technique for tactical nuke delivery for a reason...), but guidance makes it worthwhile. Most of all GPS-guidance, as that removes the need for anyone else to expose themselves in order to lase the target - though of course that limits its use to fixed targets, as mentioned.
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