A warning to ALL members about unacceptable posts on the forum

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
I have recently noted an increase in the amount of unacceptable posts on the forum. It is perfectly fine to disagree with someone about something but you should never attack them personally, and recently I've seen far too many posts that are little more than pointless arguments and name-calling.

Equally a number of topics seem to polarise opinion so completely as to make a sensible discussion very difficult. As compared to other web forums Secret Projects has always concentrated on facts not unsupported conjecture and opinions from armchair experts, and I am reluctant to see this distinction lost.

This forum is intended for the discussion of unbuilt projects and aviation technology, not willy-waving nationalism, political ideology or pursuit of personal vendettas. If thats what you want there are other more appropriate forums.

It will never be appropriate to insult other members of the forum for disagreeing with you.

Consider this a final warning to play nicely or face the consequences.

Paul (Site Admin)
overscan said:
I have recently noted an increase in the amount of unacceptable posts on the forum. It is perfectly fine to disagree with someone about something but you should never attack them personally, and recently I've seen far too many posts that are little more than pointless arguments and name-calling.

Equally a number of topics seem to polarise opinion so completely as to make a sensible discussion very difficult. As compared to other web forums Secret Projects has always concentrated on facts not unsupported conjecture and opinions from armchair experts, and I am reluctant to see this distinction lost.

Just my two cents but I would prefer you ruled with an iron fist than to ease any restriction in those areas. ;)
Take it from me...I was recently life-banned from the TrekBBS for doing exactly what we're being warned about here. I tore into those 40 year-old virgins whining about the new Enterpise design and I called the moderator an ass, to boot. And then I got banned. :D

We should all heed the warning here.

PS- does this mean I can't post anything about the Lockheed X-22 antigravity disc on here?

Orionblamblam said:
What'd I miss? Where's the fight????

Looks like its the:


Same old knowledge poor arguments that the defence industry is corrupt and stealth fighters are crap. Same usual suspect names and posters...
Assuming you're talking about me - I saw another member fall victim to the unsolicited rudeness, so often directed at me, and couldn't help but offer them my consolation. I expected to cop some s**t. But you did notice that the same perpetrator has used this very thread for another detailed personal attack. And you appear to commend them. Whatever...

This is a fantastic site with some brilliant contributors and, I'd hoped, a place to share my enthusiasm for aerospace engineering. But it's endangered of loosing its objectivity to the stifling narrow opinion of certain charmed individuals.

Good luck kids,

Wow! I'm worried for the fate of this "best-ever" forum based on the responses in this thread alone (including mine). I have a deep yearning for everyone to do what overscan asks even if you disagree, in which case perhaps it would be better to email each other. Please! Please! Please!
Woody, Abraham's post was borderline unacceptable, but he didn't attack someone by name, which is what you did. This is exactly the kind of escalation from a sensible discussion to name calling that I am unhappy about, and between the two of you, you caused it.

If it feels unfair, I'm sorry. I don't read every post on the forum and only intervene as a last resort. My warning is not in any way aimed at any one individual. There are a fair few people getting fired up too often recently, and some longstanding members and donators (whose money keeps the forum running for you all) aren't happy with the increase in aggressiveness in posting recently and neither am I.

Sometimes sensible people have to agree to disagree on a topic, and that is fine. If I say "I disagree with you" nobody should get offended but if I say "you are an idiot" that's unacceptable.

Everyone should behave in a way that won't cause them embarrassment at their conduct.
Orionblamblam said:
Ah. "F-22 vs. F-23." About as scintillatingly fascinating as "Kirk vs. Picard," and roughly as useful. And, oddly, as capable of getting people impressively riled up.

Lauge's first rule of arguments (I'll be bold and take the credit, although I'm sure someone has beaten me to it): "The vehemence of an argument is inversely proportional to the practical importance of the topic being argued" (see e.g. any argument revolving around TV shows, fictional persons or religion).

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
we all get pretty excited here and some of the people on this very page (myself included) seemingly lose their sense of equanimity sometimes ;D

But then without a few virtual bloodbaths here and there ( suitably moderated of course ) what would this forum amount to anyway other than a dry old geek fest ( Is that enough for an instant ban?)

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