A strange design from the Far East…

bloody sky

ACCESS: Confidential
3 September 2021
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My friend see it lately…In her view,it's a distinctive plan about Chinese Stealth Fighter,but it fall.
Hummm…who can draw the picture or make the model of this plan? stealth J-12?.jpg
I may be ‘jumping the gun’, so to speak here, but a translation would be of great assistance in interpreting the appearance of this proposal…
It may look like a bigger NAC J-12,but stealth (WTF?)
Lenght: 12m
Span: 7.65m
High: 4.9m
Wing Area: 17.83m²
Empty Weight: 4760kg
Fuel Capacity: 2800l (2300kg)
I may be ‘jumping the gun’, so to speak here, but a translation would be of great assistance in interpreting the appearance of this proposal…
It may look like a bigger NAC J-12,but stealth (WTF?)
Lenght: 12m
Span: 7.65m
High: 4.9m
Wing Area: 17.83m²
Empty Weight: 4760kg
Fuel Capacity: 2800l (2300kg)
The J-12 was designed back in the 1970s, so whatever aircraft might be mentioned in this document isn't an enlarged J-12. This document dates to 2001 judging from the upper and lower right hand corner of the pages.
I may be ‘jumping the gun’, so to speak here, but a translation would be of great assistance in interpreting the appearance of this proposal…
It may look like a bigger NAC J-12,but stealth (WTF?)
Lenght: 12m
Span: 7.65m
High: 4.9m
Wing Area: 17.83m²
Empty Weight: 4760kg
Fuel Capacity: 2800l (2300kg)
The J-12 was designed back in the 1970s, so whatever aircraft might be mentioned in this document isn't an enlarged J-12. This document dates to 2001 judging from the upper and lower right hand corner of the pages.
Hummm……attention,the Chinese vocabulary “歼12” in the pages could be translated into "J-12".
Upside, you got glyphs. Unwarily un-packing zips of Asian CGI models can spill 'dipthong noodle soup' across your folder tree...
I may be ‘jumping the gun’, so to speak here, but a translation would be of great assistance in interpreting the appearance of this proposal…
I think that the Chinese plan should be translated faithfully…
So,it will be a very long process for us.
the Chinese vocabulary “全机采用具有中国特色的隐形设计技术” in page 4 could be translated into "The whole plane used stealth design technology with Chinese characteristics"…
It sounds like the CCP‘s official report (because of "Socialism with Chinese characteristics")
My friend see it lately…In her view,it's a distinctive plan about Chinese Stealth Fighter,but it fall.
Hummm…who can draw the picture or make the model of this plan?View attachment 671322
Deepl translation without correction.
hummm……Some details are worth discussing,such as the title.
I think that the title should be translated into "Lu Xiaopeng and the research of the fourth-generation lightweight fighter"

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