A question about the shape of stealth fighter

bloody sky

ACCESS: Confidential
3 September 2021
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If space based radar is taken into account when we designing the shape of stealth fighter,what will the stealth fighter look like?
What is the resolution of a space based radar? I think most fighters would be to small to be seen from space?
Boeing Bird of Prey
Yes, also probably like this, this, or a flying Obelisk/RCS Pole if ground based radars were taken into account? Since till this day stealth aircraft have been designed with horizontal (frontal, sides, back) Low RCS in mind only, and thanks to flat surfaces being a huge reflector, you'd ideally try sloping up the fuselage with a chine running across the Y Axis to deflect radar energy coming from above/below too, but at this point without room for wings it'd need to be a lifting body. Just my armchair engineer opinion.
Gold treatment helps carry the wave over and around it. Otherwise those waves would break and emit when they reached the canopy. Much of the energy still finds it way through, so your treatment doesn't stop at the glass. Those pesky flight helmets make nice reflectors. The backwall of the cockpit, sidewalls, and all exposed equipment requires work, too.

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