A Mosquito With a Glazed Cockpit


ACCESS: Confidential
25 April 2022
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I've been reading the Wikipedia page of the DH.98 Mosquito, and it refers to a glazed nose similar to the He111 and the Blenheim. I can't seem to find any images of this. If anyone has any pictures I'd be grateful if they'd share them!
I presume you are referring to the Mosquito TT Mk 39:



I'm curious if there were any designs for DH.98 leading up to the prototype as built. I have found mention of a mockup design with faired in cockpit but as yet no drawings
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I presume you are referring to the Mosquito TT Mk 39:




That's a very interesting configuration that actually reminds me of a "mystery" photograph of a similar German aircraft nose, in which I think the rest of the aircraft wasn't visible with enough details to allow the identification of the type.

The striking common feature was the central set of flat windows panes, which in my opinion would be well-suited for a camera pivoting in elevation (though thinking about it, in the German nose it might have been a curved perspex sheet to eliminate the frames, while still being flat in the horizontal axis).

If the drawing is accurate, the Mosquito nose seems to be slightly elliptical in the side view, while for the elevation-adjustable camera, a strictly circular arc would be the obvious choice. I assume the German nose had a circular arc, but I don't really remember where I saw it ... most likely, the "mystery" photograph would have been posted on flugzeugforum.de, I guess.


Henning (HoHun)
I presume you are referring to the Mosquito TT Mk 39:



It's not the target tug variant, since this is a modification of the existing design. The offhand mention in wikipedia said that it was a design choice that was considered prior to the final accepted one. Something more akin to a Bristol Blenheim.

Here's the part I'm referring to: "Initially, the concept was for the crew to be enclosed in the fuselage behind a transparent nose (similar to the Bristol Blenheim or Heinkel He 111H), but this was quickly altered to a more solid nose with a conventional canopy."

Thanks anyway!

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