A Facebook question


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5 April 2006
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I admit to not making much effort towards learning the intricacies of Facebook, but here's something that's got me stumped. There is a facebook group called "The Greatest Planes That Never Were:"

I have made numerous efforts to try to figure out how to post comments on some on them (such as this one), but for the life of me I can't figure out how. I have two FB accounts, a "business" account for APR, and the other a personal account I signed up for in the hopes that that would let me post, but no dice.

Anybody got any suggestions?
Hi Scott,

My guess is that the administrator has to get around to looking at the requests to join and granting permission.

So, you have to click 'join' and then wait until they find the time.
They'll prob get to you about the same time they forgive me for my F-35 rant, which I actually do regret. I miss the updates from "Greatest.." They were informative.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Group home page https://www.facebook.com/groups/34366349783/

Where it says "joined" on my screenshot, it should say "join group" if you aren't a member.

That's not what I get. Same story on multiple browsers. If I go there not logged in to Facebook, it tells me to log in; when I log in, it tells me I can't see the group because I'm not a member. It seems I can't try to join the group unless I'm already a member of the group.



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Can you provide us another screenshot of when you can see the main homepage of the group?
Dragon029 said:
Can you provide us another screenshot of when you can see the main homepage of the group?

Nope. Yer lookin' at all I get to see. I can pull up the "media" page, but that would seem to not be the main page.

This confused me too.

What I did: I clicked on a picture. The I looked at the description to the right of the picture. Above the description was the text 'greatest planes that never were'.
I clicked on this text and it brought me to the main page.
No one at work knew where to start. I had to ask a Youthful Person about this.

Take a look at your settings. If you're restricting contacts, say only to Close Friends, you may not be able to see group membership request buttons or receive messages from the moderator.

An admin can also block access to a group, but in that case you wouldn't be able to find the group by searching for it. If you can search and see it, you're not blocked.

You can also go to the Groups section in your profile and search for the group there. Join Groups should appear under the name of the group.

Business accounts can't join groups, or so I'm told.
George Allegrezza said:
Take a look at your settings. If you're restricting contacts

It doesn't seem that I am.

An admin can also block access to a group, but in that case you wouldn't be able to find the group by searching for it. If you can search and see it, you're not blocked.

Well, I didn't search this particular group out; it was mentioned here at the SP forum. But as it turns out, it doesn't turn up in searches under "Find New Groups."

And because there's nothing hipper than cyberstalking, I wandered by the FB page of SPF President For Life Paul Martell-Mead and looked up the groups he's joined. Earlier up the thread Paul posted a screenshot showing that he has in fact joined "Greatest Planes" group. But according to his profile, it's *not* one of his groups. The other groups all have their little "Join" buttons, so it seems that my problem might not be with FB as a whole, but with that group in particular. Could it be some sort of normally "hidden" group? Or am I somehow specifically blocked (even though, having never gained access to it, I could hardly have pissed off the members or mods, and in any event I just signed up for FB)?


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Then you may indeed be blocked. Blocking would remove any indication of the group's existence, so even if you look at Paul's profile and know he's a member of that group, you won't see any indication it exists on that page either.

Maybe reach out to the dude-in-charge, appears to be a guy named Tim Morley, and ask? Like you said, if you've never been on there, how could you get banned in the first place?
From the beginning of the thread it sounded like you'd been blocked. Now why would that group block you, especially if you never posted or commented anything? That's beyond me. The best thing I guess would be to send a PM to Tim Morley, the group's founder: https://www.facebook.com/tim.t.morley?fref=nf
I'm the blocked one. :D Seems some people get touchy at the mere mention of the F-35. Found out the hard way by getting blocked.
What Scott describes is a block. Don't know how. But it is.
George Allegrezza said:
Then you may indeed be blocked.

That's neat.

Like you said, if you've never been on there, how could you get banned in the first place?

My guess: I'm so annoying that the effects of it stretch *backwards* in time.


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