A Cat's Tale

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When the workers at Chernobyl were told to evacuate they took the essentials; pets were left behind.


There is a puppy adoption scheme and 60 puppies from the area are now in homes in the USA and Canada, the adapted, semi-wild dogs are not suitable for adoption.

He adopted his own dog – Divar - who would come and visit the veterinarian clinic every day.

Despite the radiation, the dogs are healthier and have longer life expectancies than many pets because of cross-breeding and Darwinian selection by the Ukrainian winters.
Looks I picked the wrong thread to poke fun at cats...


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Sorry UK75, I was only noting the kindness to animals. Hence my following post on the dogs of Chernobyl. That's quite an inspiring story too.
I made my cat picture by taking screenshots from that very video.

The utterly disgusted if not sickened face of the cat after sniffing nearly killed me in laughter.

"WTF did my put my face in ? awwwwww, this is disgusting. My nostrils are bleeding in pain only thinking about the smell."

Note that after a moment of utter shock and disgust, it ultimately LICKS its face.
A look that writes a thousand words. Those wide pupils suggest stress.
A look that writes a thousand words. Those wide pupils suggest stress.
Cats often don't travel well. It doesn't help that that cat has seen some ᛋᚻᛁᛏ.

Adults have difficulty processing wars and disasters; children even more so, but it can be explained to them (with varying degrees of competency and success). But animals? What would a cat or a dog make of incoming artillery fire? The normally reasonably predictable food-monkeys suddenly running around all crazy, yelling and doing incomprehensible things like packing and bursting into flames and being blown apart? War (and hurricanes, and earthquakes, and tornados, and house fires, and...) must to such creatures be a Lovecraftian cosmic horror.
The normally reasonably predictable food-monkeys suddenly running around all crazy, yelling and doing incomprehensible things like packing and bursting into flames and being blown apart? War (and hurricanes, and earthquakes, and tornados, and house fires, and...) must to such creatures be a Lovecraftian cosmic horror.
Pretty well summarized indeed.
Then again, got to have a load of bubbly at the h'oska's, aint we?
For some time now the front man (For want of a better description) has been a comedian and the 'humour' has become more and more questionable. If we are to show respect for each other as a matter of course this conduct MUST stop, I may not agree with Mr Smith's conduct but him taking the hit for this is objectionable. Are personal attacks dressed up as humour what we consider the norm and acceptable? NOT in my book. If someone abuses folk or their family there has got to be a reaction and the slap was mild frankly. I wish for the comedian in question a long cold breakdown in the boonies sometime soon. Often.
Are personal attacks dressed up as humour what we consider the norm and acceptable?

YES. See: Sam Kinnison, Rodney Dangerfield, Don Rickles, George Carlin.

Look: some rando walks up to you and your lady on the street and starts talking trash about her appearance? Very few people would take offense to you smacking him. If, on the other hand, you go to a comedy club, sit in the front row and look funny... you know what you've signed up for. Hell, you *paid* for that. Maybe you were hoping that the comic would find someone else to point and laugh at, but you added yourself to the list when you walked in. Smith and GI Jada did the same thing when they went to a venue that includes standup comics.

But this is where we are now: it is increasingly acceptable to respond to speech you don't like with physical violence. We saw it increasing through the mid-2010's and peaking all throughout 2020. What's in store for Oscars 2023? Drive bys? Arson? Looting? A flash mob swarming in and stealing everything not nailed down?
NO, it's just not funny and frankly, 'humour' that sh1t's on folk is merely diatribe of the worst water. I disagree with the violence but frankly the comments are out of line. It is SUPPOSED to be the Oscars, NOT the comedy club and if they want the Oscars to be a comedy club they should change the name.
NO, it's just not funny
If you don;t think Kinnison and Rickles were funny... well, that's on you. A *vast* number of people disagree. The vast majority of people who intentionally tune in to watch a roast of so-and-so would disagree.

and frankly, 'humour' that sh1t's on folk is merely diatribe of the worst water.
Maybe, but that's not really the subject here. It's hardly sh1tting on Jada to point out that she's bald. Smith himself not only initially laughed at the joke, he's told bald jokes himself. Bald jokes, fat jokes, short jokes, dumb jokes, blonde jokes... maybe not the pinnacle of wit, but they're as valid as any other form of humor.

It is SUPPOSED to be the Oscars, NOT the comedy club and if they want the Oscars to be a comedy club they should change the name.
If they want the Oscars to be funny they need to bring in more comedians and get rid of the likes of Amy Schumer. Is it inappropriate to joke about how unfunny she is? Because you're pointing and laughing at someones disability. A comic who can't tell a good joke is seriously handicapped.


A good case can be made that the thing the Academy needs to do is turn the Oscars from a televised awards ceremony (which has been declining in viewship for a long time because, really, who cares?) into a series of tweets and press releases. "The award for Best Acting Unit for 2024 goes to Joe Smith for his role in Cliche Melodrama. You can pick up your statue at the front office next Monday after 9 AM."

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7u9_z7ZSnk

Are we getting offtopic? You're damned right we are. But hey, wasn't me who locked down the comedy thread.

View: https://youtu.be/dzSrXguzFw0?t=93
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I want to say the recent posts were off-topic but this is a topic about cats and (peripherally) Ukraine. I'm closing the topic.
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