A-1J (AD-7) Skyraider Special Ops Version


ACCESS: Secret
2 April 2020
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I would like to ask the experts to interpret the antenna array as used on the special operations squadrons' A-1J (AD-7) Skyraider from Nam. A photo from wiki shows an array of antennas on the upper and lower parts of the fuselage, which are confusing.


Am I right that the following antennas can be seen just aft the cockpit?
  • FM-622 whip antenna for VHF FM radio to talk to the troops on the ground;
  • A blade antenna for VHF AM airband (for the AN/ARC-1 or similar radio);
  • A long wire antenna for the MF band stretched between the fuselage and the vertical stabilizer, which was used for ADF sensing;
  • A small blade antenna: either TACAN or IFF.
  • A dome housing the ADF loop antenna.
  • A shark fin white antenna for UHF (eg. for the AN/ARC-27A or similar radio).
In the lower part of the fuselage a "towel hanger" antenna can be seen. Was it an FM homing antenna or VOR navigational antenna?
Next to it, a small blade antenna can be seen. Was it a TACAN or IFF antenna?

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