
I really should change my personal text
27 October 2012
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still from DTIC .

1070 ms with a minengeschoss of 330gr . Not very different from a 30x184b .


  • geshutz.pdf
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The Flak M44 was developed for the Kriegsmarine by Rheinmetall as a gas-operated machine cannon, using 15 cartridge clips, firing 400 rouns per minute. The only photo I know from it was published by Musgrave.
The name of the gun alone for Czech is 30mm FLAK Model A and B.
I will put the photo later .


  • Flak M44.jpg
    Flak M44.jpg
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  • Flak M44 1.jpg
    Flak M44 1.jpg
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Hi Tround,

nice to see that the "Foreign Military Studies" are known! General Renz wrote this work in the 1950`s, and it is quite interesting. I am affraid that the guns cited by Renz aren´t related to Flak M44 but to the MK 303(Br), developed in Brno. To add confusion I know another M44 from Mauser, also intended for the Kriegsmarine. They all fired the same ammo, apparently.
Thank you !

Chinn also add confusion in "the machine gun volume 2" , THe weapon was made by ... Skoda ! ( i think that it's a mistake ) .
I think that M44 is the whole name and MK303 the name of the cannon alone.
Have you more information on the mauser version ?


  • 30mm FLAK Model B.jpg
    30mm FLAK Model B.jpg
    681.2 KB · Views: 319
The ammo that Wurger referred to is the 30x210 Czech M53 round, shown on the far left below - the biggest 30mm cartridge ever to see service. The Czechoslovaks continued development of the gun and ammo after WW2 and put it into service. It was bought by Yugoslavia and last seen in action (in a twin mounting on top of a 6x6 vehicle) in the ground fighting during the break-up of Yugoslavia. Still kept in reserve, I think.


3 cm Flugabwehrkanone M44 (300 (gerät?)M)
Overall Lenght: 3145mm
Barrel lenght (L/73): 2200mm
Weight: 170 or 185kg
Estimated Muzzle velocity: (M-G)900-920; (HE) 800; (PzG) 725m/sec.
Weight projectile: (M-G) 0,33 kg; (HE) 0,44 kg; (PzG) 0,5 kg.
Estimated rate of fire: 400 rounds p/minute
Mauser, Oberndorf

Taken from Gander/Chamberlain`s "Enziklopädie Deutscher Waffen", Motorbuch Verlag. No image, I am affraid.
Muzzle velocity is low for the 30x210 , it has practically the same energy as the 30x184b . 1070ms must be the true figure .
The Flak M44 was developed for the Kriegsmarine by Rheinmetall as a gas-operated machine cannon, using 15 cartridge clips, firing 400 rouns per minute. The only photo I know from it was published by Musgrave.
Do you remember what that photo was? Can you please trace it to its photographer and the time it was photographed?
I used that image (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_cm_M.K._303_Flak) for Wikipedia and now I must prove that it is in the public domain (free to use) by stating its photographer and time.

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