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One of the most astounding punchlines in the HBO series was the hero scientist telling the politician
"Look, what is happening here; that disaster: it something that has never happened, never been seen in planet Earth 4 billion years of existence."

In a nutshell: congrats Dyatlov and others, you created the ultimate human-made disaster ! Now, go try taming that nuclear volcano and inferno... !
I was listening to a podcast interviewing Serhii Plokhy and he mentioned that there had been a similar incident elsewhere in the USSR but because that time it was an experience day shift and not a less experience night shift as at Chernobyl they were able to prevent it getting it out of hand.
An interesting discussion about one of the biggest flaws in the HBO series - that supposed steam / thermal explosion that could have razed Ukraine and made Western Europe a sterile parking lot.

That only multiplies the amount of useful fluid a few times, but then there is the exterior reservoir that is itself connected to internal pumps that might also be part of someone else's calculation, since that reservoir would have had nearly 10^6 tons of water judging from Wikipedia's map, which would make the yield upper bound 150 kT TNT.

or 149 tonnes of TNT equivalent.

1.8×10-7 MJ In terms of tonnes equivalent of TNT, it is ~4 kilotonnes TNT equivalent

Even if no megaton by any mean (of course) it compares well with the largest non-nuclear bangs in human history

Beirut August 2020

Following early estimates of the yield of the explosion ranging from hundreds of tons of TNT equivalent to 1.1 kilotons, a study by researchers from the Blast and Impact Research Group at the University of Sheffield estimated the energy of the Beirut explosion to be equivalent to 0.5 - 1.2 kt of TNT.

PEPCON disaster 1988

PEPCON disaster

On 4 May 1988, about 4,250 short tons (3,860 metric tons) of ammonium perchlorate (NH4ClO4) caught fire and set off explosions near Henderson, Nevada. A 16-inch (41 cm) natural gas pipeline ruptured under the stored ammonium perchlorate and added fuel to the later, larger explosions. There were seven detonations in total, the largest being the last. Two people were killed and hundreds injured. The largest explosion was estimated to be equivalent to 0.25 kilotons of TNT (1.0 TJ)

Halifax explosion

Halifax explosion​

An evaluation of the explosion's force puts it at 2.9 kilotons of TNT (12 TJ)

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