2017 V-22 Crash

Curious if this was the onset of a Vortex Ring State (VRS) where the MV-22 experienced a loss of lift in one rotor system causing it to roll and descend simultaneously (due to a loss of total lift). However, my understanding was that VRS occurred at high rates of decent. Possibly the VRS, which is analogous to 'settling with power' is caused from hovering too long in one position.
I am not aware of what the report of the accident said, however it almost seems a mechanical or software failure to me due to the immediate onset of the pitch and roll. Having done VRS (intentionally) there are a number of cues that it is about to occur. Also it is my understanding that V-22 has software to identify the onset. That said, it is possible that the anti-VRS software initiated the corrective action (accelerate forward out of the air column) at the same time as the VRS became acute on the left prop-rotor. I remain more inclined toward mechanical or software failure because the aircraft was still moving forward at what appeared to be a normal approach speed so VRS/settling with power would seem unlikely, unless the aircraft was doing a downwind approach which is ill-advised and usually not approved unless in emergency circumstances.
Superstructure can do funny things to air flow. I would guess that with a poorly timed gust of wind from a bad direction, combined with the mechanical interference of the superstructure in front, the resulting burble could have pretty easily changed the effective angle of attack for the rotor disc to starboard and start some dissymmetry.
The flight tags on the Super Huey tail rotor are showing a pretty mild, but steady, breeze from starboard. That is until right before the incident when they get extremely squirrelly and reverse direction. Hard to guess the scale/distance from the foreground to the Osprey, (perspective is obviously squeezing the distance) so it could be dirty air from the wind and burble or from the rotorwash itself.
Which brings us to the actual rotorwash from his rotor(s) in ground effect, which might be throwing some dirty air over the front or side of the discs after it hits the sea and stern of the ship and interacts with the wind and burble.
He obviously is trying to correct, but he's out of time and space.
Anybody have a link to the actual report?
Anybody have a link to the actual report?

You can find it in the description of the video
That's not the report. The link goes to a usni link that doesn't have any of the investigation board report quoted. There is another link that goes to a Marine page that 404's, which I expect was the report.
If there's still actually a link to the investigation board's report, I am not finding it. I only see the brief excerpt quoted.
Fully willing to blame user error (me), but I haven't seen it.
Anybody have a link to the actual report?

You can find it in the description of the video
That's not the report. The link goes to a usni link that doesn't have any of the investigation board report quoted. There is another link that goes to a Marine page that 404's, which I expect was the report.
If there's still actually a link to the investigation board's report, I am not finding it. I only see the brief excerpt quoted.
Fully willing to blame user error (me), but I haven't seen it.


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