1984 vs 2024 how bad are things?

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ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Back in 1984 the Reagan administration had faced up to the Soviet threat and produced a report for the public called "Soviet Military Power" which set out the Soviet arsenal and the US forces lined up against it.
In 2024 the Biden administration has produced nothing similar setting out the threat posed by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and the US response.
Worse still, Reagan's GOP is now in the hands of someone who makes the Manchurian Candidate seem a safe pair of hands.
But if (using a laptop rather than 1980s graphics) we produce a 2024 edition of Opfor military power is it as frightening as SMP used to be?
I'm far, FAR more concerned about our own leaders than I am Russia or China.

Worse still, Reagan's GOP is now in the hands of someone who makes the Manchurian Candidate seem a safe pair of hands.

Spoken like someone who doesn't live here and has no clue. (How many seconds until someone starts crying about ME bringing politics into this?)
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China seems to be taking some pages from Reagans USSR strategy imho.
It isn't so much that we have a single Big Brother---but a lot of nosey little ones that are piling on:

It used to be that folks always assumed some mystical being watched everything that they may do--long before the era where the red light is always on---and the mic is always hot.

The best defense is a noble life, just in case:

One hopes they listen to conversations of the wise---for they may learn something.

That's the stoic's approach.
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