“highly classified” Long Range Effect (LRE) ?


ACCESS: Top Secret
4 May 2008
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“highly classified” Long Range Effect (LRE) ?

US Army has taken a few - but not all - of the wraps off a “highly classified” Long Range Effect (LRE) during #Edge21 demo at Dugway Proving Ground, which I’m attending. No pictures released sadly, but a video showed to me here shows a large, winged loitering munition. /1

View: https://twitter.com/TheDEWLine/status/1393256465784139779

During the demo this morning, three LREs were launched at three targets on the Dugway range. Two targets were destroyed. One target - a Pantsir-like surrogate - was not engaged by the LRE. So far, we have not been told why. Two destroyed were direct hits. /END

View: https://twitter.com/TheDEWLine/status/1393257199313424385

The non-engagement of the 3rd LRE was just a timing issue. The demo called for all three to hit the targets at about the same time. But the third wasn’t in position in time, so Army decided not to fire to save the LRE for PC21 demo.

View: https://twitter.com/TheDEWLine/status/1393313608939970560
LRE + EDGE21 = winged Hellfire??
The ALE-Large is a system under development by the Pentagon’s Strategic Capabilities Office through a classified program. The ALE-L used at Dugway was built by L3Harris Technologies, is capable of flying at more than 200 knots and has a range of more than 300 kilometers. The system flew only one other time at Yuma, Arizona, in February.
Three classified, man-in-the-loop loitering munitions are deployed and simultaneously destroy the ground-control station and the radar, but the Pantsir remains untouched.
According to Rugen, it was determined the third munition, due to an undisclosed issue, would not have simultaneously hit its target and therefore the service decided to abort the mission to preserve the pricey asset for Project Convergence.

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Why would a weapon system of this category be .... highly classified yet somewhat known to the public? What can be the secret thing to keep the public out of?

From the basics of it, it just seems like oh, a fairly slow cruise missile with ??? seeker.
BLARG!! Aviation Leak at it again. :cool:
Granted, the picture is grainy, but there are definitely broad-chord wings, and (maybe?) a turbojet hanging under the rear fuselage?
Overall it doesn't look like something you could easily fold into a tube for airborne carriage, or even stow with multiples hanging from a pylon for that matter.
Inflatable wings, possibly? Or a smart alloy of some description?

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