¿Why in the book The Hybrid Warships is not mencioned the DDH Haruna, Shirane and Iroquois class?

Because the book's subject is "The amalgamation of big guns and aircraft", that are battleships and battlecruiser projects only
Some designs like Jeanne d' Arc and Vittorio Veneto are included as examples of more modern missile-armed ships and because they had large helicopter compliments, but I think the authors made a conscious decision that destroyers and frigates with less than 5-6 helicopters don't really count as hybrids.
¿And how many DDH class exist/existed? ...and FFH like the Anzac class.

IIRC, Hybrid Warships does cover the proposed Spruance DDH (with 4 helos) but mainly as a gateway into the weirder designs with more helos/VTOLs than that.

The ANZAC designation as FFH seems misleading to me, since they carry only one helicopter. Presumably it's there to differentiate then from the FFGs (which ironically could carry two helicopters, though they rarely did) and the DDGs (which had no helos).

In terms of DDH carrying more than two helicopters, I think the Japanese ships are the only ones actually built. And of course the various cruisers that @Hood mentioned.
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I think it is a fair point to distinguish between helicopter carrying cruisers designed from the outset and looking like it (Doria and Veneto) and those where a helicopter deck and hangar is added later (Blake and Tiger).
I have the book somewhere in my stash and recall its main focus being on WW2 proposals with the later conversions for Iowa class ships being prominent.
I think it is a fair point to distinguish between helicopter carrying cruisers designed from the outset and looking like it (Doria and Veneto) and those where a helicopter deck and hangar is added later (Blake and Tiger).
I have the book somewhere in my stash and recall its main focus being on WW2 proposals with the later conversions for Iowa class ships being prominent.

There's a chapter on postwar VTOL projects (including helicopter-carrying hybrids). Lots of the various proposed Spruance adaptations, a couple of Proceedings articles on other hybrids. And I think at least some about the Moskva and Kiev classes, which are probably the most successful hybrids ever.

And an annex on submarine carriers.

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