wright air development center

  1. hesham

    Fairchild C-119 Pick-A-Back with Sikorsky S-51 Helicopter

    Hi, http://archive.aviationweek.com/image/spread/19550221/21/2/zoom
  2. hesham

    Randolph S. Rae Hydrogen-Powered Spyplane Project of 1950s

    Hi, the Britsih engineering Randolph S. Rae which worked for USAF,and invented the REX,it was a hydrogen powered engine with new system,for recce and spy aircraft, and that was in 1954. The Aviation Historian 08
  3. XP67_Moonbat

    Project Brass Ring

    On the subject of US flying bomb projects, from Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose:Developing Air Power For The United States Air Force During The First Century Of Powered Flight, I learned about another flying bomb project, Project Brass Ring. I did a Google search and, well, here you go...
  4. XP67_Moonbat

    ASD Preliminary Designs in Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose

    Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose: Developing Air Power For The United States Air Force During The First Century Of Powered Flight History Office Aeronautical Systems Center Air Force Materiel Command Air Force History and Museums Program United States Air Force Wright-Patterson Air Force...
  5. Orionblamblam

    Alternatives to the NAA X-15

    The AP-76 was one of the neatest-looking of the X-15 contenders... and also the poorest performer of the bunch. Looks ain't everything. BLATANT COMMERCIALISM WARNING.... Along with the AP-76, I just added a slew of new items. The AP-76 report is a prime example of how a design *should* be...
  6. flateric

    Secret Stealth VTOL Transport - "Senior Citizen"

    I have found that murky image in one of zillion AFRL ppt presentations, that serves for me a source of very interesting stuff for several years that proves to be real metall later...like knowledge of what the hell X-41 or X-42 would be three or four years ago. "Aeronautics at AFRL" Provided...
  7. flateric

    McDonnell-Douglas ATS, pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Thread to discuss McDonnell Douglas pre-ATF and ATF studies If you have something to share, please post it here.
  8. flateric

    Boeing Fighter Studies, 1970s to ATF

    Thread to discuss Boeing pre-ATF and ATF studies If you have something to share, please post it here.
  9. F

    Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Thread to discuss Rockwell pre-ATF and ATF Projects. Merged with existing Rockwell ATF threads by Overscan If I knew how to add a pic, I'd attach it, but in a 1981 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology, there was a page of sketches of ATF designs. One that's had me intrigued is a Rockwell...
  10. flateric

    Northrop pre-ATF and ATF studies

    Northrop pre-ATF and ATF studies. Scren captures are from 'YF-23 Black Widow II Declassified' documentary (c) West Coast Images
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