what if

  1. Avimimus

    Viable pathways for Russia to produce a 6th generation fighter?

    The fundamental assumption here is that Russians will want to build their own 6th generation fighter: This is partly due to a desire for national defence capability (Russia having experienced multiple invasions in the past century values defence more highly than, for example, the United States)...
  2. uk 75

    If you were Sandys or Mcnamara?

    As we have had some interesting 50s and 60s what-ifs I thought it would be fun to go for a big one. Put yourself in the chair of Sandys, McNamara or any other key Defence Minister of your choice. Now put together a better balance of options than they did.
  3. V

    US Air Force orders the Convair Model 6 ultra-heavy airlifter

    I read that Convair proposed the Model 6 heavy-lift transport as a derivative of the Advanced C-99 project with the backswept wings and tail surfaces from the YB-60 competitor to the B-52, and I wanted to ask what the course of US heavy-lift capability during the early Cold War would have been...
  4. A

    Dark Moon Rising: Archibald space TL

    As said in the tin. I've worked on this huge thing since February 2008 when I joined, first, NASAspaceflight.com and AH.com. Took me a decade and 2019 to get a stronger focus and backstory. Now the POD is clearer. In August 1967 at a crucial juncture in NASA history the last Lunar Orbiter...
  5. isayyo2

    Your ultimate "What-if"

    In similar vain to the "Biggest mistakes in aviation?" thread, but with more imagination! Take an existing design (plane, spaceplane, ship, helicopter, tanks, etc) and add your own flair to it. I'll lead the charge - Bomber: B-60 with 4xT57 P&W contra-rotating turboprops 15,000shp; wing...
  6. R

    What If ... assault gliders 1946?

    Suppose that operational helicopters were delayed several years beyond the original time line. Airborne operations are still limited to parachutes and assault gliders. What direction would assault gliders develop? Would they be limited to delivering small squads (say 10 men) to capture...
  7. uk 75

    Falklands 1983

    It is one of the great what-ifs of recent history, what would have happened if Argentina had waited until John Nott's defence cuts had been implemented and invaded the Falklands in March 1983? With only Illustrious working up and Ark Royal still under construction, the Royal Navy had sold...
  8. archipeppe

    Caproni Ca-313 GB

    Having started this discussion in Re 2000 topic, I decided to realize a profile of the Caproni Ca-313 in RAF 1940 camouflage. The camo is based upon that one standard for Blenheim Mk1 supposing that RAF would utilize the Caproni in the same role of light bomber/recce. In this case I suppose...
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