west germany

  1. Mike Pryce

    Official UK Eurofighter history

    Part 1 of the Air Historical Branch's history of Typhoon https://www.raf.mod.uk/what-we-do/our-history/air-historical-branch/post-coldwar-studies/eurofightertyphoonpart1coldwarorigins1983-1990/
  2. Apophenia

    Otto Funk, Peter Funk, & Bücker und Funk Designations

    In the late 1950s, Otto Funk was the director of apprentice-training at the Heinkel plant in Speyer. As an exercise for apprentices, airframes were designed for assembly using a variety of construction techniques. In 1990, Otto's son Peter Funk (along with Dirk Breitkreuz) founded B&F Technik to...
  3. A

    Bo-105 weapons

    I've been looking for some trialled weapons on the bo-105 helicopter and I just can't seem to find any images of the stinger pods mounted on the chopper. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. R

    Does 'Flexible Response' NEED 'massive Retaliation' first?

    The 'Massive Retaliation' era ~1957-1967 appears to have skewed Defence Projects and Procurement compared to what occurred previously and what occurred in the 'Flexible Response' era where conventional forces were given much greater priority compared to nuclear forces. This made me think that if...
  5. Grey Havoc

    Development of the Fast Mine Warfare Ship 343 (West Germany, 1970s / 1980s)

    The rest of the article can be found reproduced in the JPRS / West Europe Report (15th June, 1983) linked below, pdf pages 7 - 14: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA373042.pdf A bit more of the history, in particular the post-Cold war part of it, can be found in the archived Forecast...
  6. Grey Havoc

    PZ 87-140

    View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/185cohm/the_panzer_87100/ https://fighting-vehicles.com/tanks/pz-87-leopard-2/ Note: The KWS (Kampfwertsteigerung) III program, also referred to as KWS Stage III, was formally cancelled in 1995. Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if both the...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Swiss army Type 68 tank simulator (1970s/1980s)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcQifPHcMLE https://www.festungsmuseum.ch/fasip/ (In German) https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/articles/tank-driving-simulator
  8. Gentleman’s Astronautics

    Flashpoint - Cold War gone hot, 1948

    Just came across Operation Downfall, and was pondering. What might be the political situation that would warrant the plan coming to fruition? What projects would be pursued and put into production, and what wouldn't? Who would win the war? Perhaps the 3rd world war would be caused by a...
  9. uk 75

    NATO helicopter gunship for the 70s

    Although the excellent AH1 Cobra was deployed to Europe in the 1970s and received TOW missiles to help it kill Soviet armour, noone else in NATO could afford it. That left W Germany sticking six HOT missile launchers on its Bo 105 light observation helicopter and the British Army SS11 missiles...
  10. R

    WI West Germany buys British?

    The fledgling Lufftwaffe and Marineflieger appeared to be interesting in buying British in their earliest days. Of course this was the worst possible time to deal with the British, so every effort fell over. Wiki referencing Wood. The German Defence Ministry first expressed interest in the...
  11. J

    Messerschmitt Jet Fighters

    CONTENTS Compressibility buffeting The research sites of the Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Me 262 Interzeptor Messerschmitt Me 262 Heimatschützer BMW 109-003 R (TLR) rocket/turbojet BMW 109-718 rocket Rocket propellants composition Messerschmitt Me 262 Hochgeschwindigkeits Rennkabine...
  12. B

    Bölkow BORAS

    Space Transporter concept "BORAS" – Bolkow Raum Transporter. Bolkow Developments KG Two stage space transporter with horizontal take-off. First stage uses 8 high – pressure ejector rocket engines. Each engine has 248 kN thrust. Upper stage has 2 rocket engines and a payload of 3 t. Launcher mass...
  13. klem

    Karl Poggensee early rockets.

    The Hermann Oberth Raumfahrt Museum has acquired a file of documents containing photographs, newspaper clippings and comments from Karl Otto Engelbert Poggensee (born December 3, 1903 in Bremen) student of Hinderburg-Polytechnikum, Oldenburg, covering the essays that it carried out between 1930...
  14. B

    MBB Lifting Body Capsule

    Anyone fancy translating.
  15. B

    Ambulance Capsule

    Anyone have time to translate?
  16. hesham

    Entwicklungsring Süd GmbH (EWR) Designations

    Hi, Entwicklungsring Süd GmbH was formed by a Bolkow, Heinkel and Messerschmitt design consortium on February 23, 1959 at the suggestion of the Federal German Defense Ministry. The strange thing is that there were two or more series,later I will talk about its sequences. We can say,and about...
  17. Voltzz

    Matra BAe Dynamics ARAMIS

    Does anyone have more information on the Matra BAe Dynamics ARAMIS powered (?) glide bomb? Afaik it was offered for the french AASM program and was fire-and-forget using an imaging-ir seeker and INS/GPS.
  18. Voltzz

    Thyssen Submarine Family

    NAVAL FORCES 1985 had a special supplement about Thyssen Nordseewerke including this depiction of the 'Thyssen Submarine Family' (image source) Of the submarines shown, only MSV 130 and TR 1000 are unbuilt projects. The supplement has articles on both of these, but i can only find it for sale in...
  19. G

    Postwar German Experimental tanks

    Hi all. I'm looking for information about unsold tanks from Germany from the 50s to the 70s (maybe some MBTs, interesting versions of the Europanzer program tanks or prototypes of the Leopard 1?) If you know interesting vehicles from this period, please send them here!!! Thanks in advance!!!
  20. Voltzz

    Low Cost Anti-submarine Weapon (LCAW)

    LCAW was a NATO program for an small torpedo, cheap/expendable enough to be use against unidentified/unverified sonar contacts. It was supposed to have both rocket-launched and helicopter-dropped version. At first it was a trilateral US, German Norwegian project, but some point ~1990 The US...
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