I am going to tread carefully with this one but I think it is worth a look.
Instead of the Hitler regime from 1933 Germany is run by a conventional centrist party. The Weimar Republic survives. But its strong willed Chancellors still seek to overturn the restrictions of the Versailles Treaty on...
air force aeronautical research laboratory
cold war
futuristic engineering designs
hans von ohain
heinkel flugzeugwerke
interwar period
late 20th century
nazi germany
pre-world war ii
united states
von ohain
world war ii
The Hermann Oberth Raumfahrt Museum has acquired a file of documents containing photographs, newspaper clippings and comments from Karl Otto Engelbert Poggensee (born December 3, 1903 in Bremen) student of Hinderburg-Polytechnikum, Oldenburg, covering the essays that it carried out between 1930...
This book is written by the german Winkler-Researcher Reinhard Sagner. He focuses on the technical asprects of Winkler´s work in and for the Junkers Company in Dessau in the time between 1929 and 1939, when Winkler left Junkers for the Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Braunschweig. The author has used...
interwar period
junkers flugzeugwerke a.g.
late 1920s
luftfahrtforschungsanstalt braunschweig
nazi germany
third reich
world war ii
This thread was created to discuss the projects, plans, facilities, operations, and historical implications of the German interwar flight test center and military pilot training school that was developed in secrecy between the Germans and the Russians. This airfield played an important role in...
I'm wondering how the course of passenger airship development in Germany would have unfolded if Hitler and the Nazis had not come to power, because the Nazis disliked Hugo Eckener, even though the Zeppelin company had no choice to adorn the Hindenburg's fins with the swastika emblem due to a...
Hello and welcome,
This is no longer the hub for all things Kriegsmarine, but a section of what was once a much larger thread that has since been broken up into various pieces for sake of organization, I suppose.
This is now the primary section as far as I am concerned. Links will be included...
Anyone solve the mystery?? Why, oh why did the JUNKERS G.38 4-engined prototype test-fly with a four-bladed propeller, inboard and a two-bladed propeller, outboard on each wing? All four driving engines were identical. Might this have caused any power imbalance/handling or thrust deficit issues...
here is a Fieseler P.29,P.30 and Fi.333,also P.35;
P.29 was a military transport Project,intended to compete Arado Ar.232,led to develop Fi.333
P.30 was an unconventional military transport Project,later became Fi.333
P.35 was initial design for Fi.103...
Recently, while browsing the Imperial German Navy section of a webpage of unbuilt ship pictures and plans, I found this photo of a never-built German battleship, which appears to have 6 main battery turrets. The picture was named "Blatt-2" and was the only picture in a folder labeled...
any original drawing regarding the admiral graf spee conception and why it was fitted with that tower? was this tower decided to be fitted in this ship from the start?
Known Messerschmitt Projects Numbers
P.1091 a modified Me 109 G with Daimler Benz 605A & turbo loader
P.1092 Jet Fighter with one Jumo 004C engine and arrow wing
P.1093 unknow
P.1094 unknow
P.1095 that became Me328A
There indication that number 1092 to 1095 was part design for one single...
Udet-Flugzeugbau GmbH, München-Ramersdorf
Famous WWI fighter ace and stunt pilot Ernst Udet lent his name to this company but the aircraft were designed by Ing. Hans Henry Herrmann. Udet left the firm in the spring 1925. In 1926 financially-strapped Udet-Flugzeugbau was converted into a into a...
Following the sad passing of the author Manfred Griehl last November, I doubt his pending volume on Fieseler (Fieseler: Flugzeuge seit 1933 - Typenkompass) will ever see publication. This is a great shame as Gerhard Fieseler was a World War I fighter ace who was also a stunt, aerobatic and test...
From Jet & Prop 04-05-06/2001,
we can talk here about Germany early canard aircraft and projects,the Aachener Segelflugzeugbau GmhH company with its designer Prof. Klemperer created many aircraft,one of them was a flying boat canard project,followed by FVA-3 single seat canard light aircraft...
Born in 1893 in Absberg / Germany, Reinhold Tiling had begun to work on rockets during 1924. For a safe landing
of his rockets, he developed the two techniques: The "Kreiselflugzeug" (Gyroplane), where the tailplane switched
to a kind of rotor after burn-out of the rocket engine, decelerating...
...so as not to hijack the British thread!
Let's start with a subject to which I hope to be able to make a meager contribution to: design constraints and philosophy behind design decisions.
Hermione Giffard's PhD thesis and hopefully soon-to-be book "The Development and Production of Turbojet...
The LVG was ordered in 1917 to develop a "Großflugzeug" (large aircraft) in tri-plane
configuration, because it was hoped to increase climbing performance and maximum
ceiling this way. The aircraft was finished just shortly before the armistice and the company
was thinking about a civil use...
The MBI book on the Heinkel He 162 presents several contenders in the "Volksjäger" competition, including the Blohm & Voss P 211.
Attached below are three-view arrangements of the two proposals described above.
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