
  1. helmutkohl

    What if Germany went through with VTOL aircraft?

    Germany was experimenting with various VTOL aircraft during the cold war in the end they didn't go for any of them. in this alternate scenario.. what if Germany did order some into production? 1. Which design would be the most likely to lead to operation? they had the VAK 191, DO 31 (this...
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    NAA B-70 Valkyrie Variants Article by Tony R. Landis

    https://media.defense.gov/2020/Nov/23/2002540204/-1/-1/1/B-70%20VARIANTS.PDF This is nice :)
  3. uk 75

    What is your favourite 70s 80s Harrier replacement/alternative?

    One of the joys of this site is the quantity of info available on unbuilt aircraft projects. Particularly tantalising are the various projects in the 70s and 80s for a supersonic VSTOL to replace the Harrier. The Bae 1216 has been the best covered thanks to Michael Pryce. Various US designs...
  4. Mike Pryce

    Harrier Projects (Future title)

    The next PTP I am writing, on Harrier Projects, is about 50% written. It will feature some things already known about, but tell their full story, such as: as well as revealing wholly new stories, such as the full saga of the Harrier III, the proposed Sea Harrier FRS.3 and some weird and...
  5. hesham

    Northrop VTOL/VSTOL/STOL projects

    Other Northrop V/STOL aircraft of 1967,who can identify it ? except the T-39,XV-4 and T-38. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19680004577_1968004577.pdf
  6. MIRAGE 4000

    Dassault projects - Cavalier

    I find in my archives the Dassault MD 630 Cavalier project drawing. I could post it if y are interesting. I propose to start a "Dassault projects" Topic Now, the Calavier projects
  7. overscan (PaulMM)

    Advanced Harrier Projects

    Thanks to Evan, heres a nice PDF of a British Aerospace Harrier II Plus brochure showing it in RN colours.
  8. Antonio

    McDonnell-Douglas Model 260 VSTOL project

    Desktop models from rival McDonnell 260 Source: Aviation Magazine International. Nº753 May 1979
  9. Deino

    McDonnell-Douglas Model 279 VSTOL fighter

    Model 279 [pictures replaced with higher resolution copy below]
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