vietnam war

  1. Grey Havoc

    First Black Navy SEAL, William Goines, dies at 88 (Military Times) Rest In Peace. :(
  2. Dronescapes

    Rare color footage Of The F-105 "Thud" Thunderchief Development Program

    Rare color footage Of The F-105 "Thud" Thunderchief Development Program
  3. E

    US forces with a second JFK term and shorter/no Vietnam war?

    Hi everyone, We have already discussed a shorter/no Vietnam scenario already so I will not ask for changes related to this. However, what I was wondering about is whether having a second JFK term (due to no assassination) instead of a Johnson term would affect 1963-1968 procurement in any way...
  4. njiiaf

    Ideal USAF air superiority fighter for the Vietnam War.

    As we all know, the USAF went into Vietnam without a dedicated air superiority fighter and suffered for it, particularly in the early years with unreliable sparrows/sidewinders, no cannons on the Phantoms, and inadequate BFM training. Que the arrival of the F-4E, along with better missiles and...
  5. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Texas Instruments AGM-45 Shrike

  6. A

    Vought Regulus I and Regulus II whatifs

    Just a random idea in passing... In the 50's some aircraft carriers and heavy cruisers were converted for Regulus 1 launches. Then the much improved Regulus II was cut short by Polaris. Whatif - Regulus I and, most importantly, Regulus II were developped in non-nuclear variants ? and later...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Owen Submachine Gun
  8. P

    USMC 'Marine Expeditionary land-based catapult' system

    G'day gents Just stumbled across a photograph which Ive seen in numerous books on the Vietnam War, but only after decades have now realised, that 'this Douglas A-4 Skyhawk' depicted in the photograph, is in fact connected and prepared for launch via a 'land-based catapult system' I have to...
  9. Triton

    North American YAT-28E Turboprop Trainer

    North American YAT-28E model manufactured by Topping found on eBay. URL:
  10. Michel Van

    XM-759 MTV Tank

    i found this Picture of Tank called "XM-759 MTV" very unusual track design. source
  11. Michel Van

    Gyrodyne Model QH-50D DASH

    i found Little Homepage about the Gyrodyne Model QH-50D (of course also the Other model QH-50 A to Nite Panther) A Navy Drone from 1966 original used as Sonar detection Drone later ARPA's weaponization of the QH-50D; program ATTACK DRONE and...
  12. S

    Bell AH-1 Cobra

    Is this AH-1Z a newer version of the AH-1 Cobra gunship? The designation is the same, but i don't know if the helicopter is the same.
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