ussr prototype

  1. A

    MiG 5 (alleged)

    In the rand mcnally encyclopedia of military aircraft, there is a plane in there called a MiG 5. It isn't the DIS however, and it appears like a MiG 3 with a radial swap. It has some differences from the MiG 3 though. The books mentions it being in service but having poor performance when...
  2. WINNE

    Who recognizes this aircraft type?

    Hi guys, Who can identify this aircraft? Efforts have been made to include certain details which would be rather odd if this were just a decoration piece. A bump back below and two bumps on top of the fuselage, and no the largest is not for R2-D2 but a turret where the front one looks like...
  3. Maveric

    Zavod 39 (TsKB-) designations

    Hi ???
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