I’d never heard of this before, but it’s one of the worst friendly fire incidents I’ve heard of from WW2, made worse that no action was taken against the person who seemingly was most responsible for it.
cold war
early 21st century
electronic warfare
late 20th century
post-cold war
u.s. navy
united states
united states marine corps
united states navy
I am quite sure many of you will find this interesting but I am not sure what it is exactly
I have also attached the document to this post for your concvenience
Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV)
Advanced Technology Development Future Naval Capability (FNC) Program
Science and Technology
Brief to Industry
amphibious vehicle
cold war ii
early 2020s
electronic warfare
late 2010s
office of naval research
optionally manned
united states
united states marine corps
united states navy
unmanned air vehicle
unmanned ground vehicle
Found in "Helicopter and VTO World, January-February 1961 issue, three designs for
hovercraft aimed at te commercial and military market. On http://worldhovercraft.org/insider/aug06_printable.htm
a prototype of the Aquagem (Aqua GEM) is shown and three more examples are mentioned.
but with the...
Hughes Aircraft Company XAAM-N-11 model with "Marine" markings found on ebay.
To my eye this looks different than the production AIM-54 Phoenix. Thoughts?
Seller's description:
In the early 1950s the US Marine Corps was considering a single seat portable ultra light helicopter which could be airdropped. The programme was conducted by the US Navy’s Office of Naval Research and included the following designs:
Hiller 1033 Rotorcycle: Two prototypes...
The "hovertank" is a staple of science fiction novels and board games, yet in the real world fans and skirts never seem to have supplanted wheels or tracks. Does anyone have any projects or prototypes to share on proposed land-based hovercraft?
21st century
cold war
great britain
hover tank
late 20th century
north atlantic treaty organisation
post-cold war
soviet union
tank design
united kingdom
united states
warsaw pact
Here is some data on an interesting British program from the early 1980s. The following information has been copied from Jane’s Light Tanks and Armoured Cars 1984 by Christopher F. Foss. It is posted here for educational purposes.
Alvis Sagitar
Alvis Limited has submitted three studies to the...
I photographed this years ago at the Paris air Show but I never found any other reference to it (like designation, specs, 3 views....) I dimmly remember a reference to the cargo bay being kept in the design and could be used as bomb or torpedo(!!!) bay ....
any info ?
bell helicopter company
bell textron
cold war
post-cold war
u.s. army
united states
united states air force
united states army
united states marine corps
united states navy
Two magazines („The Aeroplane“ and „Flugwelt“) mention a Chance Vought XF9U as an further development of the F8U with big radar in the nose and air intakes similar to the F-105. Is it a hoax or a secret project?
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