u.s. navy

  1. J

    New USN MUSV

  2. W

    Norrh American Aviation Fuel Tank

    Hello, , I have an old 80 gal fuel tank from North American Aviation Inc. It is from the Engeneering and Experimental Division. Its about 4 ft long X 2 ft tall. X 1 ft wide. It says Model SOC-1, or I. Part number 17-48002. Contract No. 41257. Material SS AL.ALLOY. marked with a NA 6 in a...
  3. D

    Advanced Tactical Support Aircraft (ATSA) US Navy

    Late 80s (88-90) US Navy Program to replace the E-3C, S-3B and EA-6B carrier-based AEW, ASW and EW aircraft. I believe it evolved into the E-X program to replace the E-2, this is why i’m attaching the image of the Boeing E-X proposal, which is seen here in ASW markings. (VS-24 scouts was an S-3...
  4. Grey Havoc

    R/P FLIP (FLoating Instrument Platform)

    Some good news, along with a bit of background: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y36pTr09f3Y https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-navy-flipping-ship-upcycled-134616867.html https://gcaptain.com/saving-rv-flip-from-the-wreckers-clawsand-its-story-is-mind-blowing/...
  5. hesham

    Search Helicopter Towed Rescue Boat,1965

    From Naval Aviation News 1965.
  6. Flyaway

    PT-347 - The WW2 disaster you’ve probably never heard of

    I’d never heard of this before, but it’s one of the worst friendly fire incidents I’ve heard of from WW2, made worse that no action was taken against the person who seemingly was most responsible for it.
  7. uk 75

    Names of ships on Yankee, Dixie and Gonzo stations?

    One of my hobbies is collecting waterline ship models in 1/1250 or 1/1200 scales covering the Cold War era. I have been trying to find the composition of USN units on the Yankee and Dixie Stations off Vietnam and Gonzo station in the Arabian Sea. Does anyone know a source?
  8. bercr

    Famous American Aircraft: Grumman EA-6B Prowler - An Operational History - Rick Morgan - Crecy

  9. Dilandu

    Albany-class Aegis refit

    Yes, yes, I fully understood that it's impractical and unrealistic, but I just like "Albany"-class cruisers, and just before New Year I hit the idea "what if Albany-class cruiser would be refitted in 80s to carry Aegis?" Oh, and a Happy New Year) So yes, it's CG-18 "Fall River" missile...
  10. Graham1973

    United States Navy - CVX (1940)

    A year before Pearl Harbour the USN commissioned a study into a 'tweaked' version of USS Wasp (CV-7) under the designation CVX, the principle changes were using only two aircraft elevators and the fitting of more powerful engines to give 32knots planned speed. Given what happened to USS Wasp the...
  11. overscan (PaulMM)

    McDonnell Model 28 "Navy Fighter with TG-180 engine" (24 October 1944)

    http://aviationarchives.blogspot.com/2022/04/mcdonnell-aircraft-model-28.html Note - the McDonnell Model List says TG-100 engine which is wrong - that was a turboprop.
  12. V

    Willys-Overland P/A-I shipborne anti-ship missile project

    The Retromechanix website contains PDFs of Willys-Overland company documents regarding the P/A-1 ship-launched anti-ship missile at these links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/republic-xf-12-1-49557594 https://www.patreon.com/posts/vought-f8u-3-up-48466867...
  13. uk 75

    Alt 60s US Navy

    The Royal Navy in the 1960s has been the place for many alternative history threads helped by the excellent books on the subject and the enthusiasm of Brits like me for CVA01 and co. The US Navy offers even more scope for programmes that could have been. Some thoughts to kick things off...
  14. ptdockyard

    Modernization of US Flush Deck destroyers

    I believe this drawing is from one of HT Lenton's books on US Destroyers published in the early 1970's. I made a 1/1200 model of this but heve never been able to find any corroborating data on the proposed design. Can anyone shed any light on this one? Dave G The PT Dockyard
  15. Grey Havoc

    The ABCD ships

    The Steel Navy
  16. VictorXL188

    Attack variant of OV-1 Mohawk

    Hi folks, Wonder if anyone can expand some knowledge on a proposed two seat attack variant of the OV-1 Mohawk. Here's some illustrations.
  17. F

    Mobile Mulberry Harbor

    This thing looks like a modern re-interpretation of the WWII Mulberry Harbor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulberry_harbour In this case, the harbor can go wherever you go and doesn't tie you to a politically undesirable piece of land or force you to defend your supplies (from hungry mobs)...
  18. B

    McDonnell Mach 6 Carrier Plane?

    On pg. 86 of Pentagon Paradox there is a quote," 1983 IOC fighter that would fly Mach 4.5 with a dash speed of Mach 6." If the Reformers hate it, I like it. Anyone know more about this?
  19. bobbymike

    Navy RFI Hypersonic Weapons Technolgy

    Request for Information - Hypersonic Weapons Technologies Description: 1. This is a special notice open to U.S. industry and academia requesting information on technologies pertaining to hypersonic flight vehicles. The High Speed Weapons Office of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons...
  20. Triton

    General Dynamics Undersea Station Concept ca. 1968

    General Dynamics Undersea Station concept photo circa 1968 found on eBay. URL: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1968-Undersea-Station-Concept-US-Naval-Civil-Engineering-Lab-Press-Photo-/160851732264?pt=Art_Photo_Images&hash=item257382a728
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