
  1. J

    New USN MUSV

  2. Grey Havoc

    PLAN Extra-Large Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle (XLUUV) program

  3. Grey Havoc

    Naval Group working on MUSV and LUSV concepts for French Navy (2022)

  4. RAP

    RN Experimental Ship XV Patrick Henry

  5. A

    GA-ASI Gambit

    https://breakingdefense.com/2022/03/general-atomics-debuts-gambit-drone-for-air-forces-unmanned-sensor-contest/ View: https://twitter.com/IntelWalrus/status/1499204727438987266 https://www.ga-asi.com/ga-asi-introduces-gambit
  6. M

    France's Naval Group is developing a new XLUUV (Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicle)

    Prototype is already in the water, it's been worked on since 2018ish. ~10 meters (33 ft), up to 20 meters (66 ft) with additional power options. Displacement: ~10 tons Service version will have a weapons/equipment bay. Our own Covert shores did a nice comparison image of different...
  7. Grey Havoc

    NB57 / RD09 ASW/ASuW unmanned surface vehicle family (Turkey)

  8. QuadroFX

    Uran-9 UCGV accepted into service by Russian Armed Forces

    22 units delivered View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDeWeQ1Z8Lc
  9. Grey Havoc

    Lunar International Laboratory (1960s)

    Came across this while researching something totally different. This project was first proposed by Dr. Frank Malina (one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory) in late 1960 as an ideal candidate for the first activity of the just formed Academy of Astronautics (now known as the...
  10. Flyaway

    Boeing Orca Extra-Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (XLUUV)

  11. Grey Havoc

    JARI USV Multipurpose Unmanned Combat Boat (CSOC)

    http://www.tboverse.us/HPCAFORUM/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=24028&sid=b7e24d3d66bb62445c21929f8886c97e https://www.janes.com/article/83201/aad-2018-csoc-reveals-details-of-armed-usv-concept
  12. bobbymike

    US UUV/AUV Projects (Unmanned/autonomous underwater vehicle)

    Sorry it's a UUV https://news.usni.org/2017/04/04/navy-splits-lduuv-into-rapid-acquisition-program-at-peo-lcs-rd-effort-at-onr
  13. Grey Havoc

    AAI Common Unmanned Surface Vessel

    An unsolicited proposal from AAI to the USN for a new Fleet class USV. AAI built two prototypes on it's own dime, which the USN evaluated during the recent Trident Warrior exercises. Despite apparently doing well, there doesn't seem to be any prospect for USN orders in the near future. MAPC...
  14. BAROBA

    USN/DARPA ACTUV program

    https://actuv.darpa.mil/ From the site : DARPA’s Anti-Submarine Warfare game goes live April 04, 2011 Can you best an enemy submarine commander so he can’t escape into the ocean depths? If you think you can, you are invited to put yourself into the virtual driver’s seat of one of several...
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