
  1. TinWing

    Boeing “High Speed” Cruise Missile Patent
  2. Kryptid

    Wave drag of a Sears-Haack Body

    I've been doing some work on an original aircraft design. As part of the feasibility process, I decided to try calculating the wave drag of a Sears-Haack body with a length of 49.2 feet (15 meters) and a fineness ratio of 14 (a recommendation given by Dr. Raymer's aircraft design book). This...
  3. Flyaway

    Supermarine Swift

    Part of the one documentary threads on this channel. States it’s considered one of the worst aircraft to fly with the RAF. View:
  4. hesham

    Dornier LSK (Leichtes Schwebefähiges Kampfflugzeug) (Lightweight Hoverable Fighter) (1972)

    Hi, the Dornier sutdied in 1972 to develope an aircraft which was based on or looks like the SAAB-37 Viggen,and also designed a very beautiful lightweight V/STOL fighter,I never heard about them before.
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