tank gun

  1. N

    T-10 tank variant?

    Does you guy have information about this turret is 8 yet?
  2. Q

    Gun development for current MBT challenge

    Develop a gun that is capable of penetrating 1600mm of steel from 2 miles away that has an autoloader on Sketchup
  3. C

    Royal Ordnance 105mm Improved Weapon System

    Hi, I've been looking into the Royal Ordnance 'RO2004' light tank design that was built in the late 80s/early 90s; and am now looking for more information regarding its armament. The tank was armed with a 105mm L7 derivative, called the Improved Weapon System (IWS). Supposedly it had: - A...
  4. Foo Fighter

    Royal Ordnance QF Tank guns.

    G'day folks, I am trying to find good reference material on the following gun systems. RO QF 17 pounder RO QF 20 pounder Rarde EXP 7 to 28 110mm I have a sort of project to convert a Centurion tank (Card/Paper) to various types/marks and possibly produce a Chieftain with the 110mms as an...
  5. uk 75

    NATO Standard Tank for the 60s and 70s: Which would you choose?

    As we know the Russians managed to standardise their tanks forces in the 60s and 70s on two designs: The T55 and later the T72. What tank should NATO have chosen if politics had been no object?
  6. T

    45mm CTA

    This gun was presented in 1992. The ammunition could have the same performances as the 45mm comvat: 1.095kg HE shell with a muzzle velocity of 1100ms. Rate of fire is 400spm.
  7. JAZZ

    Vickers Valiant Universal 120mm

    The Vickers Valiant turret was redesigned to incorporate the L11 120mm tank gun. This design came to being in 1982. Weights did change, i have no information on the weight of this tank. In 1985, in an effort to sell tanks to Eygpt the german leopard-2 chasis was matched with the...
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