tactical reconnaissance

  1. bercr

    Famous British Aircraft (Crecy): James Jackson - Jaguar: A Development and Operational History

    https://www.amazon.com/Jaguar-Development-Operational-James-Jackson/dp/1800353294 Publisher ‎Crecy Publishing Ltd (April 30, 2025) Language ‎English ISBN-10 ‎1800353294 ISBN-13 ‎978-1800353299
  2. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    US Mid-1960s Ocean Reconnaissance Ship

    From Norman Friedman's US Small Combatants, pages 319-323 (most of those pages are pictures of PBRs, a Coast Guard 82-footer and a 57-ft Minesweeper Boat) Table 12-5. Schemes for Ocean Reconnaissance Ships, 31 March 1966 A B C D E May 1967 LBP (ft) 317.5 311 311 315 — 374 LOA...
  3. Flyaway

    Supermarine Swift

    Part of the one documentary threads on this channel. States it’s considered one of the worst aircraft to fly with the RAF. View: https://youtu.be/OO_t3HFGrhw?si=BJGkVc9QwQeiINZa
  4. T

    Project Verticon

    Hi, from the CIA archive (link) a detailed report about the Verticon project, a photo recce payload to be used with Aerobee rockets.
  5. Foo Fighter


    G'day folks, consider this. The TSR2 goes into service and later requires a SLEP, what engines are avaulable and could a big wing be fitted/would it be an improvement?
  6. Flyaway

    Public Release of SIGINT Phase II Records

    More on link below including the declassified documents themselves. http://www.nro.gov/foia/declass/SIGINT_PhaseII.html
  7. hesham

    Messerschmitt Bf 110/161 Projects & Prototypes

    Hi, here is a comparison between BF.161-V2 and BF.162-V2.
  8. Stargazer

    Siebel Si 201 pusher aircraft

    Not being much of a German aircraft specialist, I find myself stuck trying to identify this strange little pusher bird... It may well be a Focke-Wulf project, but that's my only clue. I'm sure someone will be able to identify it soon and put me to shame! Thanks in advance for your help.
  9. fightingirish

    Lockheed A-12CB (Carrier based) project

    "Kelly" Johnson's concept of a carrier based A-12 for the US Navy. Remember Kellys unwritten and non-official rule according to the book "Skunk Works" written by Ben Rich: "Starve before doing business with the damned Navy. They don't know what the hell they want and will drive you up a wall...
  10. Flitzer

    Hütter Hü 211 - Heinkel He 219 on steroids

    Any pics of the Hu211? Are the wings typical Hutter with a very wide span? I might just try a profile having been prompted by Carlos. :) Many thanks Peter
  11. P

    "Sitting Ducks and Peeping Toms" - Targets, Drones and UAVs (Air-Britain)

    . I don't know where this really belongs (if at all) anyway, out of interest, Air Britain have (?) released a new book on RAF unmanned aircraft / target drones / recon drones called "Sitting Ducks and Peeping Toms" - I do NOT know if any projected models are included :-...
  12. Stargazer

    Beechcraft Raider (tactical missile project, 1985)

    The unbuilt Beechcraft Raider of 1985 was meant as a recoverable tactical UAV for active and passive countermeasures, and was derived from the basic MQM-107 Streaker design. Does anyone know if it was a company-developed project or if it was a reply to some official specification that was later...
  13. Triton

    North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco

    North American Rockwell OV-10D NOS (Night Observation Surveillance) Bronco Source: http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?65214-OV-10-Bronco-commercial-catalog-%28issue-1964%29/page2
  14. M

    F-14 Tomcat

    Sounds like "The Great Book Of Modern Warplanes": http://www.amazon.com/Great-Book-Modern-Warplanes/dp/B000RERZXY Martin
  15. overscan (PaulMM)

    Secret Projects: Military Space Technology by Bill Rose

    I must preface this first look review by saying that, while I'm interested in space technology, its not my speciality, so I'm approaching this book from this angle. Bill Rose has put together a well written and nicely illustrated book on various military space projects. Its 192 pages long and...
  16. hesham

    British AST-412 light aircraft

    Hi, the RAF selected the Caproni C.22J for the military Specification as light trainer aircraft,the Caproni also planed to develope a single seat version as recce and light attack models and single seat anti-helicopter version armedwith Shorts air-to-air Blowpipe missiles...
  17. J

    Unbuilt F-16 based projects

    Unknown source
  18. archipeppe

    FIAT G91R to U.S. ARMY??

    FIAT G91 was one of the most succesful Italian aeronautical products of '60s. A lot of the were produced and utilized at least by AMI, Luftwaffe and Portoguese Air Force. FIAT G91 was a close support light STOL fighter-bomber, with some recce capabilities despite its not optimal flight...
  19. fightingirish

    AGM-109 / BGM-109 Tomahawk / Gryphon Concepts, Projects and Prototypes

  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    BAC TSR2

    Flight's 9 April 1964 was a TSR.2 special issue, with lots of adverts and one of the first in depth articles. Front page http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1964/1964%20-%200984.pdf Article http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1964/1964%20-%201014.pdf through to...
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