swan hunter

  1. uk 75

    Lists of Unbuilt Royal Navy and British Export Ships

    One of my continuing interests and a strength of this site is information about Royal Navy ships that never left the drawing board. Recently.not so much has been published about these designs so I thought I would start this thread. Many projects have there own threads and are well known to...
  2. Y

    Royal Navy mid-1980s planning

    SSomewhere online I've seen a document from he early-mid 1980s with Royal Navy planned surface ship construction through to the mid-1990s. It had projected order dates for 24 Type 23 frigates, eight AORs, and two more CASTLE class OPVs. I seem to recall that it was an omnibus document from the...
  3. uk 75

    Royal Navy nuclear surface ships

    although no pictures exist there is supposed to be a model of the proposed RFA replenishment ship with nuclear power in the massive Greenwich collection. I have never been able to get to see this model, but based on some small drawings of mercantile UK reactor designs in an old Airfix magazine...
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