surface-to-surface missile

  1. uk 75

    Polish SSMs

    Now that Poland is talking openly about needing nuclear weapons this becomes a legitimate technical subject. Poland used Scuds in its WP days and now has MLRS launchers I think. As Belarus and Kaliningrad host nuclear Iskanders Polish SSM have some clear military targets
  2. uk 75

    NATO big SSMs

    When the UK gave up carriers in the 60s the alternative was supposed to be a family of helicopter, ship and sub launched missiles. In the event while Wasp helicopters did get AS12s it took nearly a decade before Exocet equipped some destroyers and frigates. Sea Skua for Lynx did not arrive...
  3. GTX

    Chinese Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs)
  4. F

    About the Harpoon Block 1D

    White there is information about the missile itself: There are mentions that, one of the reason it wasn't produced, was that the missiles were too big for...
  5. AN/AWW-14(V)

    FOG-M, EFOGM and LongFOG

    FOG-M vs QUH-1 :cool: lucky shooter Jane's Land-Based Air Defence 1992-93
  6. bobbymike

    Army Indirect Fire Protection System and New Guided Missile Program

    Army To Develop Multi-Mission Launcher For Indirect Fire Protection Posted: Mar. 28, 2014 The Pentagon has approved the Army's plan to begin a technology maturation and risk-reduction phase of the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 program that will focus on the development of...
  7. Stargazer

    TRDI/Mitsubishi XSSM-1 surface-to-ship missile

    XSSM-1 PROVING EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE IN U.S. Tokyo AEROSPACE JAPAN-WEEKLY in English 3 Aug 87 pp 4, 5 For a missile that was "highly evaluated" by the U.S., I find it to be particularly elusive. Has anyone seen a picture of it? Could anyone share more data about its career? Thanks!
  8. Jemiba

    Shorts Tigercat

    From the French Aviation Magazine, July 1960, a picture showing a proposed version of the Shorts Tigercat:
  9. Triton

    MBDA CVS 401 Perseus

    MDBA press release: Sources:
  10. uk 75

    British long range shipborne anti ship and surface missiles 1962-70

    In the 60s the RN looked at using missiles possibly derived from Blue Water or similar as a replacement for carrier aircraft. Nothing came of it and Exocet was bought in 1970. Was any serious work ever done?
  11. D

    Iranian ASBM? I pray this turns out to be a hoax. As while China is likely to not use their ASBM, Iran surely will if they possess this type of missile.
  12. batigol

    Brazilian missile/rocket projects

    While searching for information about the ASTROS artillery system, I came across a series of articles on Brazil's rocket and missile programs on the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora website ( There's quite a bit of info on a series of obscure projects...
  13. XP67_Moonbat

    Pershing Missiles

    Not sure we had a dedicated Pershing thread, so I'll kick it off by posting a link to the Pershing II Tech Manual.
  14. bobbymike

    DARPA Long Range Anti-ship Missile (LRASM)

    Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) Program Manager: Mr. Rob McHenry In response to emerging threats, DARPA is building on the technology advances developed under the Hypersonics Flight (HyFly) program to develop and demonstrate standoff anti-ship strike technologies to reverse the...
  15. uk 75

    UK naval missiles instead of Exocet in the late 60s

    When the UK aircraft carrier CVA 01 was cancelled in 1966 one of the ways of replacing its capabilities was to be the development of long range surface to surface missiles for both anti-ship and shore bombardment roles. Indeed even before the cancellation of CVA 01 a study had been done on a...
  16. Mercurius Cantabrigiensis

    Thales Lightweight Multirole Missile

    Thales Air Defence - the company that was formerly Shorts - is about to announce a new missile programme. Known as the Lightweight Multi-Role Missile, it is apparently intended to take the company beyond its traditional field of light SAM systems. Details will be officially released on 2 June.
  17. H

    Liberty air defense system.

    This was an air defense system based on the M1 chassis. ISTR it had two 25mm guns and ADATS missiles but I can't find anything on it.
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