surface to air missile

  1. C

    Patriot SAM Developments

    Anyone know if AN/TPY-5(V)1 is a marketing exercise to rename the latest variant of the Marine AN/TPS-80 Ground/Air Task-Oriented Radar (G/ATOR) or is it a new radar?
  2. Ifor

    Ukraine re deploys S125

    Could someone explain why they are bringing this system back into service? Would it just be for the exercises( again for what purpose). Surely more modern systems will be much more effective?
  3. sferrin


    Is there a SAM today that can kill a target at 446 miles and over 100,000 feet? (It's a rhetorical question. There isn't.)
  4. JFC Fuller

    Original French MASURCA ship program

    I am utterly confused about the original French plans for the deployment of this missile, the wiki page for the Suffren class destroyers states that six ships were originally planned and that this became two batches of three (the second tentative?) then just two ships when the money for the...
  5. S

    German Navalized ROLAND-II SAM system

    In the early to mid 1970's the German navy was experimenting with the navalization of both the Gepard SPAA gun system and the ROLAND-II surface to air missile system. I was wondering does anyone know if these systems were ever tested successfully and ever used? I remember seeing them in a old...
  6. B

    Rheintochter anti-aircraft rockets

    Anyone know what the item is on the small grey trolley?! Regards, Barry
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