A few months ago, I posted a thread on a briefing with several more or less obscure frigate concepts for the USN. One of the designs included in that brief is the PXM, which I described at the time as a rabbit hole. This thread is my attempt to chase that rabbit as far as I can go, starting from...
20th century
21st century
cold war ii
kingdom of norway
motor torpedo boat
post-cold war
project smp 6081
royal norwegian navy
On page 241 of "The Decline of British Seapower" by Desmond Wettern, the
then Minister of Aviation (Julian Amery) told a Business Dinner on 9 September 1964
that the Government were considering building an ocean-going "hovership" for the
RN. His Ministry and the MOD would make preliminary...
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
ministry of defence
nuclear powered vessels
royal navy
westland helicopters
From DefenseImagery.mil, an artist's concept of the Bell Aerospace Textron Mine Sweeper Hunter (MSH). In Fiscal Year 1984, the US Navy embarked upon a program to construct 17 minesweeper hunters of some 470 tons displacement that utilized surface-effect-ship and glass-reinforced plastic hull...
bell aerospace
bell aerospace textron
cold war
fast minesweeper
mine warfare vessel
textron inc.
united states navy
us navy
A number of SES concpts were proposed in the 1990's - France built a demonstrator, so did Germany, and of course Norway put a minecounter measures boat and FAC into production and sweden developed an experimental stealth SES.
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