
  1. F.L.

    American identification book for German and Japanese submarines

    Interesting documents :
  2. F.L.

    Besson MB.35 and MB.411 observation floatplanes.

    The Besson MB.35 "Passe-Partout" and its derivatives MB.41 and MB.411 are French observation seaplanes designed to operate from the submarine cruiser Surcouf. Two MB.35 prototypes were produced, one of which was lost by accident, and the second was converted into the MB.410 prototype was...
  3. M

    Dutch Expeditionary Submarine Programme Color me surprised, I thought that the Saab-Damen consortium had it in the bag. Who would've thought that KM will be the first operator of Shortfin Barracuda? That of couse is if this...
  4. Voltzz

    Autonomous Marine Power Source (AMPS)

    I found short article in MILTECH on the AMPS, a Canadian project for a small scale nuclear reactor for use as air-independent-propulsion in submarines. Further research turned up a couple of interesting studies, which i attached to this post. THE AMPS 1000: AN ADVANCED REACTOR DESIGN FOR MARINE...
  5. Voltzz

    Thyssen Submarine Family

    NAVAL FORCES 1985 had a special supplement about Thyssen Nordseewerke including this depiction of the 'Thyssen Submarine Family' (image source) Of the submarines shown, only MSV 130 and TR 1000 are unbuilt projects. The supplement has articles on both of these, but i can only find it for sale in...
  6. A

    Taiwan's indigenous submarine View:
  7. J

    Virginia block III/IV vs Astute

    I would like to make a comparison of these two submarines. I mean sonar system, acoustic technology , speed and overall technology comparison. I would also like to know what is amazing about ssn 790 south dakota that everyone writes about some acoustic advantage over other subs.
  8. uk 75

    HMS Cockade in Korean War

    A friend of mine has asked me to check out a rumour that HMS Cockade sank a suspected Soviet sub while serving with a US force in the Korean War. He thinks the papers are embargoed until at least 2050.
  9. covert_shores

    Spain launching first S-80 Class submarine

    Article with cutaway (caveat - by me) Video of Christening ceremony View:
  10. Grey Havoc

    Border and Offshore Submersible Sentry (BOSS) - Russia
  11. covert_shores

    Type-XXI Submarine with Ursel rockets

    Usual caveats apply, full size cutaway at The Type-XXI was important in a lot of ways, but had the Ursel rockets made it into service I think it could have further reshaped Cold War submarine equipment, at least in the immediate...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Original Project 705 design (1,500 ton displacement)

    I'm just wondering, have any drawings or artist impressions of the original Project 705 design, before they changed over to the design that would lead to the Alfa class, surfaced (no pun intended!) in recent times?
  13. JFC Fuller

    RN Post War submarine rebuilds

    I have been looking at the RN T class submarines and their post war service, in particular there reconstructions. A large number of the boats seem to have survived into the 60s but I have only been able to identify 8 welded boats and 5 riveted as having undergone reconstructions. My question is...
  14. Triton

    Soviet Navy Project P-2 combination submarine

    In 1949 a preliminary draft for a missile submarine designated Project P-2--to strike enemy land targets--was drawn up at TsKB-18 (later Rubin) under chief designer FA Kaverin. The submarine was to have a surface displacement of almost 5,400 tons and carry 12 R-1 ballastic missiles, a Soviet...
  15. Triton

    Soviet Navy Project 881 "Merkuriy" SSGN

    In the mid 1980s, the Soviet Navy determined that a new weapon system was needed to deal with the ever-increasing power of US Navy carrier battle groups. At the time, the Project 949 (Granit) and Project 949A (Antey), NATO reporting names Oscar I and Oscar II, nuclear-powered guided missile...
  16. Aeroengineer1

    NR1 Replacement Study I just came across this study on what appears to be a handful of concepts that were looked at to replace the NR1. To my knowledge, none of these have been pursued. Adam
  17. flateric

    SSAN Project 1910 Kashalot / Uniform class

    1910 took part in recovery of the sunken SSGN Kursk Photos via Vitaly Kostrichenko (, KAF (
  18. T

    Malakhit design bureau - submarine projects

    Nice collection of model photos from a visit to the Malakhit design bureau here: Love the unbuilt Pr.958 SSN - thanks to a spherical bow sonar and a *massive* flank array immediately aft of the bow the torpedo tubes were not only angled in the manner...
  19. Hood

    Project 1840 Lima

    Does anyone have any more info or even pictures of this mysterious sub? I'm assuming it had some kind of research role like the Project 1710 Beluga and it did see some service with the Black Sea Fleet during the late 1980s. Any info much appreciated.
  20. TinWing

    Early Post-WWII Dutch Submarines: Unbuilt 3 and 4 pressure hull designs

    These drawings can be found on the site, albeit in multiple segments. The cargo submarine concept is a throw back to the WWI German concept - perhaps even the later the later "milch cow" u-boats? I do have to wonder if this design was prompted by the Dutch experience in the...
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