strategic defense initiative

  1. newsdeskdan

    HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane by Dan Sharp

    HOTOL: Britain’s Spaceplane by Dan Sharp Now available for pre-order here: HOTOL: Britain's Spaceplane Tempest Books ISBN: 9781911704294 Format: Hardback Pages: 424 The start of Space Shuttle operations in 1981 marked a new era in spaceflight – with the five orbiters launching numerous...
  2. M

    "Faked" SDI test from the 1980s

    I'm trying to track down references to an SDI test that I'm pretty sure used the MIRCL laser and SeaLite beam director. The test is mentioned here: I recall this being on the nightly newscasts. After much hype about SDI, little had occurred and...
  3. thatdronedude

    Laser Battle Station Model Kit Inspiration

    I recently bought a NIB copy of the Revell "Laser Battle Stations" model kit from 1984. There were a number of other kits released at the same time that all have connections to reports and concepts (see images) but these "laser battle stations" are a bit hard to place. They appear to be modeled...
  4. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  5. G

    Flywheels to power laser systems? (Also: ICBM plug blocking systems)

    Guys, I am not certain exactly as to where to place this news item, but the actual article is about the plugs that block the top parts of the Minuteman 3 siloes. But...
  6. A

    Rods from God / "Project Thor"

    Hi. For some whatever reason, a timely article was pu(bli)shed by Sputnik, a Russian media, dealing with an "old" concept of non-nuclear space-based, orbiting kinetic space-to-ground weapon, sometimes described as "Rods from God"...
  7. Flyaway

    Black Ops And The Shuttle Black ops and the shuttle (part 3-1): Recovering spent HEXAGON reconnaissance satellites with the space shuttle by Dwayne A. Day Monday, December 11, 2017
  8. Triton

    Lockheed "The Defender" SDI poster

    Lockheed "The Defender" SDI poster found on eBay. Source: Seller's description:
  9. A

    Philip Bono, By Gemini to Mars, and more...

    I've added a new article on Philip Bono's work on the Encyclopedia Astronautica at: You may notice I've reorganized and reformatted the site, and am now (after some time) begun adding new and updated content. So please visit regularly to see what is new -...
  10. G

    RIP Simon Ramo 1913-2016
  11. Bill S


    ERINT-1 ERINT (Extended Range Interceptor) was a part of the Strategic Defense Initiative’s Theater Missile Defense Program. The US Army contracted for a prototype missile and launch control system to defend against cruise missiles, aircraft, ballistic and tactical missiles. The capability was...
  12. Triton

    High Frontier (SDI)

    Published on Sep 27, 2012 High Frontier was a private company that promoted space-based strategic defense against nuclear ICBMs. It was founded by Daniel O. Graham, a retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army who is often called the "father of SDI". This film promotes Graham's initiative: a...
  13. RavenOne

    Solar Warden - SDI project

    was around the in laws the other say and on the History channel, there was documentary about ufo and space weapons - one topic was supposedly Solar Warden project which was classified TS and above, under Reagans SDI proposal.....large orbital cylindrical spacecraft with high energy...
  14. hesham

    Electron ray for space test 1986

    Hi, an old system to use Electron ray against space targets in 1986 in USA,designed by Sandia Labs and sponsored by Air Force Weapons Laboratory and DARPA. page 81...
  15. S

    List all weapons developed for SDI ?

    List all weapons of SDI ? - Braduskill - X-Ray Laser - NPB Neutral Particle Beam - SBL Space Based Laser - HVG HyperVelocity rail Gun - GBL Ground Based Laser - SBKKV Space Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle - BP Brilliant Pebbles
  16. S

    Noise Gun: More Bang for SDI Buck

    January 24, 1989 WASHINGTON A GUN powered by sound waves? It's not the fantasy of some hostile rock star. It's a concept under study by the Pentagon's ``star wars'' program. Noise cannons won't soon stock America's arsenals. They exist mainly in one inventor's mind. But he says sound...
  17. Grey Havoc

    Air Defense Initiative (US)
  18. airrocket

    Spartan/Sprint ABM and Derivatives

    Conical ABM missile made quite a stir in the 80's gossip's then quickly faded from vogue. Wish I knew if any ever went into service and what became of them. Seems a few made to to museums I would love to pick one up from a remote desert aerospace boneyard....
  19. Triton

    Amroc Industrial Launch Vehicle (ILV)

    Artist's impression of American Rocket Company (Amroc) Industrial Launch Vehicle (ILV) 1 being launched from Vandenburg Air Force Base. Source: "Amroc tests continue" Flight International June 13, 1987
  20. The Artist

    Boeing TAV - was this speculation or a serious concept?

    Back in 1985 Aviation Week ran a piece of Boeing art with an article on a White House Aeronautics policy. The art depicted what I took to be a transport TAV in Boeing house colors. This attachment is a drawing I did when I saw that article and I'm posting it here to support my question. Does...
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