
  1. J

    Virginia block III/IV vs Astute

    I would like to make a comparison of these two submarines. I mean sonar system, acoustic technology , speed and overall technology comparison. I would also like to know what is amazing about ssn 790 south dakota that everyone writes about some acoustic advantage over other subs.
  2. Grey Havoc

    FS Perle Some good news:
  3. Grey Havoc

    Iranian nuclear powered ships program This is likely to deadend very quickly (assuming that it's serious in the first...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Canadian SSN requirement 1987-89

    Since we don't already have a topic on this: A couple of quick observations on the second paper: "Of all the three White Papers discussed above, the 1987 document “got it wrong” the...
  5. Triton

    NSSN Virginia-class - current status and future

    Were there any other concepts for the NSSN before the Virginia-class configuration was approved?
  6. GTX

    BAE Systems Submarine Concept

    Hi folks, At this year's DSEi Exhibition, BAE Systems had this advanced submarine concept on display - note the fully ducted propulsion (Sorry for the poor image quality - the photos were taken using my phone): Regards, Greg
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