
  1. Forest Green

    China Launches Its Most Sophisticated Submarine to Date
  2. M

    Dutch Expeditionary Submarine Programme Color me surprised, I thought that the Saab-Damen consortium had it in the bag. Who would've thought that KM will be the first operator of Shortfin Barracuda? That of couse is if this...
  3. Voltzz

    Thyssen Submarine Family

    NAVAL FORCES 1985 had a special supplement about Thyssen Nordseewerke including this depiction of the 'Thyssen Submarine Family' (image source) Of the submarines shown, only MSV 130 and TR 1000 are unbuilt projects. The supplement has articles on both of these, but i can only find it for sale in...
  4. M

    Canadian Patrol Submarine Project (CPSP, Victoria-class replacement)

    Since the only Canadian submarine related thread is in the alternative history section (, I've decided to make a new dedicated thread for the actual, very real program.
  5. I

    Canada's Next Submarine

    Folks, Everyone knows Canada is in the early stages of replacing its surface fleet with a Type-26 derivative to be equipped with TLAM. It's purchasing 88 F-35s. Lot's of politics in their current defense procurement plans. How should it refresh its submarine force? Canada briefly flirted with...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Södermanland-class submarine upgrade program (2022) HSwMS Östergötland isn't mentioned in the article, but presumably it will receive the same upgrade as HSwMS Södermanland in due course.
  7. uk 75

    HMS Cockade in Korean War

    A friend of mine has asked me to check out a rumour that HMS Cockade sank a suspected Soviet sub while serving with a US force in the Korean War. He thinks the papers are embargoed until at least 2050.
  8. Grey Havoc

    KRI Nanggala-402
  9. Z

    Alternative RN from 1983

    1983, rather than 1982 is a key date for decisions for the RN and UK defence as a whole, in the light of the Falklands and it's effect not just on defence thinking but on the UK populace's attitude to their country. As surely as it was to the political establishment. But in terms of changes a...
  10. M

    U.S. Official: North Korean Submarine is Missing, Presumed Sunk
  11. GTX

    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    Two News Reports regarding the replacement of Australia's Collins Class: Australia to sign new submarines deal with Japan as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits Tony Abbott in Canberra New Japanese submarines to cost Abbott Government $20 billion It is increasingly looking like Australia will...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Upholder class and the RCN

    I thought it might be time for a dedicated thread on the Upholder class subs in Canadian service. I'll start it off with this; Via HP&CA: Victoria submarine torpedo test fire marks milestone (The Vancouver Sun) The fire damaged HMCS Chicoutimi, one of the Canadian military's four submarines...
  13. Triton

    BMT SSGT (Ship Submersible Gas Turbine)

    From February 2004, BMT Defence Systems unveiled the concept of the SSGT (Ship Submersible Gas Turbine): BMT white paper on the SSGT:
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