With the cancellation of the Merkuriy ssgn program in 1989, the successor to the Oscar II was to be the Oscar III, of which the first units were to be built right after the last of the Oscar IIs. I can't find any illustrations, or descriptions of the planned changes and improvements. Can anyone...
In the mid 1980s, the Soviet Navy determined that a new weapon system was needed to deal with the ever-increasing power of US Navy carrier battle groups. At the time, the Project 949 (Granit) and Project 949A (Antey), NATO reporting names Oscar I and Oscar II, nuclear-powered guided missile...
cold war
late 1980s
nuclear powered vessels
project 881 merkuriy
red fleet
rubin central design bureau for marine engineering
soviet navy
The APHNAS (Advanced Performance High-speed Nuclear Attack Submarine) from 1971 was armed with four torpedo tubes and 20 cruise missile tubes aft of the sail.
LOA (ft): 400
Diamater (ft): 40
Surfaced displacement (tons): 12,075
Submerged displacement (tons): 13,649...
Hi folks,
At this year's DSEi Exhibition, BAE Systems had this advanced submarine concept on display - note the fully ducted propulsion (Sorry for the poor image quality - the photos were taken using my phone):
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