
  1. Grey Havoc

    Dmitry Donskoy Typhoon-class (Project 941 Akula) SSBN

    According to one of the coments in the reddit thread below, it is planned for her to shorty become a museum ship in Arkhangelsk. Anyone have any more details on this? View:
  2. covert_shores

    SNLE-3G - next gen French SSBN program Expected into service in ~2032. 16 SLBMs, 14,500 tons surfaced.
  3. uk 75

    Dreadnought Class SSBN names

    I must admit to being puzzled at the choice of Dreadnought as a name for the new SSBNs. Assuming 4 or 3 submarines are built, the only rationale is to resurrect the names of our early nuclear boats. That would add Valiant and Warspite and possibly Conqueror or Churchill. The alternative would...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Successor/Dreadnought Class SSBN

    BAE gets funds to start building new submarines (, registration may be required.)
  5. uk 75

    Fifth RN Polaris boat was to be ROYAL SOVEREIGN

    I had always been sceptical of the claims in various books that the RN planned to name its fifth Polaris boat RAMILLIES. It made no sense as all the other names RESOLUTION, RENOWN, REPULSE and REVENGE were related to the role of the boats. In his excellent new book about the RN submarine...
  6. uk 75

    Fifth RN Polaris: Source for the name "Ramillies"

    I know this general subject has come up before, but with the growing access to documents in the NAO and elsewhere I thought I would just check this one again. I first saw "Ramillies" listed as the cancelled fifth RN Polaris submarine in Conway's fighting ships when it appeared in the 80s...
  7. bobbymike

    British Trident Subs to Field Enhanced U.S.-Made Warheads

    British Trident Subs to Field Enhanced U.S.-Made Warheads Monday, April 4, 2011 The United Kingdom's nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines are to receive an enhanced version of a U.S.-manufactured nuclear warhead, the Federation of American Scientists said on Friday (see GSN, Feb. 7)...
  8. Triton

    US Navy Jupiter SSBN

    During the mid-1950s, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Arleigh Burke sponsored a high-priority program to develop a naval intermediate range ballistic missile. On November 8, 1955, the Secretary of Defense established a joint Army and Navy intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM)...
  9. uk 75

    Some info on the RN fifth Polaris sub and later Poseidon option

    A recent book releasing British nuclear discussions by Peter Hennessy throws some clear answers to often asked questions: Why did the RN not get the fifth Polaris boat? After much discussion the new Labour Government in 1964 decided that the Polaris fleet was too worthwhile to cancel. Two...
  10. GTX

    BAE Systems Submarine Concept

    Hi folks, At this year's DSEi Exhibition, BAE Systems had this advanced submarine concept on display - note the fully ducted propulsion (Sorry for the poor image quality - the photos were taken using my phone): Regards, Greg
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