from ARDC TR-59-64 Advanced Concepts Study, Final Report. from USAF FOIA reading room. (edit: PDF split & now attached)
A JT11-7A powered Booster Airplane launches a rocket vehicle & satellite payload with two solid fuelled stages and a storable liquid propellant third and fourth stages...
Apart from on the pages of Eagle comic there is no such thing as the Royal Space Force.
1957 ;saw not just the infamous Sandys White Paper but also the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union.
PM Macmillan and Defence Secretary Sandys realise how vulnerable this makes the West and Britain in...
The headline is a bit misleading as the article talks in terms of anti-satellite weapon not a weapon to drop onto the planet.
The Cold War generally established the different requirements for an orbital vehicle and ICBM, so we don't see the weaponized...
I recently bought a NIB copy of the Revell "Laser Battle Stations" model kit from 1984. There were a number of other kits released at the same time that all have connections to reports and concepts (see images) but these "laser battle stations" are a bit hard to place. They appear to be modeled...
Most TV and Film productions use real weapons or modify them like the Sterling SMGs in Star Wars.
Now and again, however, a show decides to make its own props.
In 1970 Gerry Anderson released his live action series "UFO" set in a fictional 1980 where a secret organisation called SHADO battled...
Incredibly hard to predict and very difficult to defend against, I think any current US anti-ballistic missile system would struggle with FOBS. A hypersonic glide vehicle and FOBS is probably the ultimate in nightmares for the western defence system...
The Russian military has finally revealed the rocket-propelled grenade weapon system developed for the Almaz space station project in the 1970s.
:eek: :cool:
I am not certain exactly as to where to place this news item, but the actual article is about the plugs that block the top parts of the Minuteman 3 siloes.
cold war
cold war ii
missile silo
post-cold war
strategic air command
strategic defense initiative
united states air force
united states strategic command
This thread is for the new High Command (or grand operations command in the French air force's parlance) for Space Operations of the Armée de l'Air Française that President Macron has just announced. A Space Force in other words. Apparently Macron intends to eventually rename the air force as...
Black ops and the shuttle (part 3-1): Recovering spent HEXAGON reconnaissance satellites with the space shuttle
by Dwayne A. Day
Monday, December 11, 2017
cold war
national reconnaissance office
space age
space race
space shuttle
space transportation system
spy sat
strategic defense initiative
strategic reconnaissance
united states air force
Hi there,
Time is ripe to open this thread.
863 and super-893 programs have matured up to the point where we should be connecting the dots.
Based on recently published information by the [Elixir] organization, which would be nice to collectively fact check, China might have tested one of its...
cold war ii
orbital denial
people's liberation army aerospace force
people's liberation army strategic support force
people's republic of china
Fighting For the Final Frontier? Conflict in Space During the Late 21st Century
Monday 1pm eastern link to watch event live.
an old system to use Electron ray against space targets in 1986 in USA,designed by Sandia Labs and
sponsored by Air Force Weapons Laboratory and DARPA.
page 81...
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